Golden Token Thread

tournament in riverside this saturday

should be a good turnout, if you guys need directions just post on RiCo thread =D

You can move the chair back or foward.

anyone goin to gt tonite? post if ur goin for sure

anyone down for casual at GT today(Friday)at 6PM…If enough people show up…Ill throw a tourney

I’m out of town so I can’t.

Kay. :o


maybe next time tony

I’ll stop by tonight after my meeting.

im broke as a joke =[

nm, ill go. found some cash. yaho0o

mikes apt will most likely be showin up…if P91 is goin bring ur shit and match…haha…gonna get some irie games on tonite

if you RoD heads wanna know the real secret to MvC2…

its the herbal dietary supplements that get ya goin.:smiley:

POT HEAD:lame:

I’ll probably be heading down to Golden Token around 9. Maybe. The girl is PMSing and making my Friday not so good.

So how did it go?

A and B conversation dawg…you knoe what to do:confused:

sad news kids the owner just raised the damage level up on the mvs2 machine so about 3 rocket punches from sentinel and ur dead ho ray.:lame: so if enough of u can convince him that he wont make more money this way then maybe he might change it back.

Next time I Will make sure he changes it. But that won’t be for two weeks because of work. Just try to tell nam yourself

Robskilz Next time I Will make sure he changes it. But that won’t be for two weeks because of work. Just try to tell nam yourself

Well i did as soon as i played my first game but he thinks he will make more money keepin the settings how it is right now so what im thinkin if enough of the players go up and tell them hes wrong and it will actually cause him to lose money for example no one wants to play in a tourny where u die by one sentinel combo or two ahvbs from the old man himself.

what’s up. anybody go to UCSD around here? i don’t got a lot of SD experience and pretty busy with school. but i’m hoping to get back to mvc2. anybody mind giving me an address of this place so i can look up the directions?

the number to gta fob dude (619) 229-0781 ask for the owner Mr Dumass and while ur at it tell him to set the damage lower on the mvs2