i will b heading to gta kind of late though if anybody want to battle in cvs2 so expect me there at 9:20 or so if u want to stick around for that long.
I’ll be there at 8, for sure, rob, ernesto show up. Shit i might go pick you up nesto i’m just gonna run by your place and see whats up. Around 8, MVc2…cvs2…intial d everything:p
Damn i havent played jack shit in weeks. Oh well.
i’mma head up there after 8.
i guess i’ll get there around 8:30-8:45 since no one will show up earlier. Go!!!
gg everyone. I was surprised as to how many actually showed up.
Rob, you should definetly hold tourny’s bow that the sticks are good. I asked some people and they said they were acceptable.
How many people showed up tonight?..And if people are some what content with the sticks…I will through a tourney next friday
I might be down in SD on Friday for a friend’s b-day. Let me know if you guys happen to run a CvS2 tournament, i’d like to stop by.
Well rob, it was all of the nickle people and most of us here in south bay.
yeah, i played horrible i couldnt rush down, or even pull off a decent combo, the sticks were alright, it’s just that i havent played since god knows when.
I wish i can go friday but i will be out again this week and next week but will be around for the weekends.
Well ernesto what is going on tonight?
i got my money jacked on cvs2 by dan and i think his name is tong. i dont think i was irie enough.
go to nickel today and we can match some shit with u if u want…hella irie nickel play will be goin on:lol:
i think all you GT heads should go to nickel today chris and I will be there as well as some cvs2 ppl …good time to get some practice in
my bad i wasn’t able to make it saturday, my girlfriend wanted to sleep over. but anyway so you guys just picked up huh? any good shit? let me know so we can piece up on a blunnttt im lookin righ tnow too and i dotn think ill get any till tuesday. whatever tho if any of you guys playin at mikesapt let me know im down to get whooped without getting jacked. haha
Does anybody want a tourney this friday at 6pm for MVC2 and Cvs2???
I’ll go.
Ps. i might go.
any of mikes apartment people down to go?
Nevermind, I can’t go. I’m goin out if town this friday so I can’t go.
How the fu ck do you guys play on those cabinets? I sit down and there’s hardly any space between me and the control boards