GNG Championships Bloomington MN December 18th 10am-4am

Most likely PS2. The only games being played on the 360 is the Shooters I assume.

5v5 og mn versus new guys

man i really wanna come up to this but then again the LAX tourny would be the week after so itll be too much traveling

Munny come to this, n win the SSF4 monies here. Then have more munny to go to LAX. :tup:

There must be something in the waters of Lake Michigan that’s causing both of you to mix up the dates. LAX is on Dec 11/12, which is the week before GnGC on Dec 18.

Haha no. From milwaukee to minnesota is like 6 hrs and then the next week I gotta drive 3 hrs to LAX. To much driving and $ to spend. It is christmas time and I got a lot of freakin nieces and nephews I gotta buy gifts for. :frowning: ill see if I can make it up there tho. If it was next weekend I for sure woulda been up there

So you’re going to La Crosse again for Christmas weekend? I thought you meant the Focus Fire tournament, which is the week before GnGC. I understand though, 3 hrs vs. 6 hrs is a big difference.

damn lake Michigan…


Hype!!! :slight_smile:

he gots the right ideas!

I’ve got a USB hub I can give you guys if I can get out there, which if anyone is going through or near Hutchinson that can give me a ride that would be awesome

Promo video complete: [media=youtube]LYlfSXHMjiU[/media]


All games are played only on PS3, right?

The last GnG tourney event I went to I remember the internet at the Appletree being pretty shitty. Hopefully it’s not this time again, for you guys.

I really want to goto this. I’ll see.

Will marvel be on DC?

Dat Mahvel will be on PS3. Is that cool for you?

yes please come…


That’s kool. I just prefer DC mahvel for mixes

Bump. :wonder: