Glide Toss Lengths

*note: I take absolutely no credit for this, full credit goes to BurningCrusader777 of SWF.

Reading the All-Brawl thread spurred me to post this here, since glide tossing is an extremely useful technique in All-Brawl. It can play a big part in Normal-Brawl as well, especially for characters such as Diddy (bananas), Peach (turnips), and Wario (tires). Also, if you catch an opponent’s item such as Snake’s grenades, you can use glide tossing to your advantage!

Here’s a preview of what glide tossing is capable of:

Anyway, here is the original post:*

Hey guys. I just spent a little bit to test the lengths of everyone’s Glide Toss. Before I list them off, here’s a video showing what a Glide Toss is:


And to go through the steps:
1.) Shield.
2.) Start a roll.
3.) During the roll’s IASA frames, throw your item. This varies with each character. For the most part, the later you throw it, the further you go. Throwing upwards or downwards shortens your Glide Toss slightly.

So, I scrapped all the old data. I used this more precise method and came up with solid numbers; and this time, it’s in alphabetical order! Basically, I created a stage on Creator with blocks straight across and a row of spikes above them. I then performed Glide Tosses (all four variants, Forward, Backwards, F Reverse, and B Reverse) with all characters and lined their positions up with the spikes. Each interval (gap-spike-gap being 3) counted for .0714. You could sorta look at this like an “Out of 5” scale, since very few Glide Tosses go above 5 block-distances, and those that do are just God Tier in Glide Toss terms. So without further stalling, here’s the more precise list. (F = Forward, B = Backwards, FR = Forward Reverse, BR = Backwards Reverse)

Complete List of Glide Toss Lengths

Bowser - 0

Captain Falcon - 1.998
F - 1.357
B - 2.6426
FR - 1.357
BR - 2.6426

Charizard - 0.1428
F - 0.2856
B - No distance.
FR - 0.2856
BR - No distance.

DeDeDe - 0

Diddy - 1.7586
F - 1.5355
B - 1.8568
FR - 1.7854
BR - 1.8568

DK - 2.1071
F - 4.2142
B - No distance.
FR - 4.2142
BR - No distance.

Falco - 2
F - 4
B - No distance.
FR - 4
BR - No distance.

Fox - 0.7319
F - 0.714
B - 0.7854
FR - 0.714
BR - 0.714

Game & Watch - 4.1785
F - 4.1428
B - 4.2142
FR - 4.1428
BR - 4.2142

Ganondorf - 1.2499
F - 1.3927
B - 1.1785
FR - 1.2142
BR - 1.2142

Ice Climbers - 0.3213
F - 0.6426
B - No distance
FR - 0.6426
BR - No distance

Ike - 0.5357
F - No distance
B - 1.0714
FR - No distance
BR - 1.0714

** Ivysaur** - 1.4195
F - 1.6783
B - 1.2142
FR- 1.4641
BR - 1.3213

Jigglypuff - 0

Kirby - 0

Link - 0

Lucario - 1.2051
F - 0.714
B - 1.6426
FR - 0.714
BR - 1.7497

Lucas - 0.4641
F - 0.357
B - 0.5712
FR - 0.357
BR - 0.5712

Luigi - 2.0088
F - 0.1785
B - 0.357
FR - 1.4284
BR - 6.0714 (OMGWTFHAX)

Mario - 0.8838
F - 0.4284
B - 1.357
FR - 0.4284
BR - 1.3213

Marth - 3.357
F - 1.357
B - 5.357
FR - 1.357
BR - 5.357

Metaknight - 4.4998
F - 4.5712
B - 4.4284
FR - 4.5712
BR - 4.4284

Ness - 0.4641
F - 0.357
B - 0.5712
FR - 0.357
BR - 0.5712

Olimar - 0.7854
F - 0.9282
B - 0.6426
FR - 0.9282
BR - 0.6426

Peach - 1.4107
F - 2.1071
B - 0.4641
FR - 2.0714
BR - 1

Pikachu - 0.7678
F - 1.0714
B - 1.0714
FR - 0.4284
BR - 0.5

Pit - 5.0088 (Highest average)
F - 5.0714
B- 4.8925
FR - 5.0714
BR - 5

ROB - 2.4106
F - 2.2142
B - 2.5355
FR - 2.2142
BR - 2.6783

Samus - 1.339
F - 0.9639
B - 1.714
FR - 0.9639
BR- 1.714

Sheik - 0 (Don’t be fooled. Her normal backwards toss pushes her back slightly; that is not her Glide Toss.)

Snake - 1.2589
F - 1.0357
B - 1.4641
FR - 1.0357
BR - 1.5

Sonic - 4.125
F - 4.1785
B - 4.0714
FR - 4.1428
BR - 4.1071

Squirtle - 1.9641
F - 2.1428
B - 1.7854
FR - 2.1428
BR - 1.7854

Toon Link - 0

Wario - 1 (lol wut)
F - 1
B - 1
FR - 1
BR - 1

Wolf - .8925
F - 0.8568
B - 0.9282
FR - 0.8568
BR - 0.9282

Zelda - 1.5624
F - 1.4284
B - 1.6069
FR - 1.5
BR - 1.714

ZSS - 1.0357
F - 2
B - No distance
FR - 2.1428
BR - No distance

Why did I make this compilation, when most of these characters can’t even spawn items? Because when facing Snake, Diddy, ROB, ZSS, Toon Link, Link, and Peach, you’ll know who can Glide Toss and how far they go. I’ve done some epic stuff myself with this; MK’s Glide Toss with Diddy’s Banana into fsmash for the KO, for instance.

What Gives a Glide Toss Its Length
After some massive re-thinking on this, I’ve come to the following conclusions:
1.) Amount of momentum built up from the roll’s IASA frames has the largest effect on distance. This is why throwing the item at the last possible moment (i.e., the “sweetspot frame”) gives the longest Glide Toss.
2.) Traction is another main factor in distance. The main evidence of it not being the primary factor is Luigi not having 6+ Glide Tosses all around.
3.) Some characters gain/lose distance when throwing backwards. For instance, Pikachu loses momentum from throwing backwards, and Luigi gains a huge amount.
4.) Rolling speed plays a very small part, however its role seems to be negligable at best.

List of “Perfect Only” Glide Tosses
What this means is that you have to hit a certain frame to get the absolute max; I’m only listing the ones that would otherwise have a very small Glide Toss. Basically, if the Perfect Glide Toss length differs by more than .2856 from the other lengths, it’s listed here.
Metaknight - Backwards and Backwards Reverse
G&W - All four variations
Olimar - Forward and Forward Reverse
Luigi - Backwards Reverse (yes, the OMGWTFHAX Glide Toss)
Falco - Forward Reverse
Captain Falcon - Forward and Forward Reverse
Charizard - Forward and Forward Reverse

Quick Reference

  • Highest Average Distance - Pit: 5.0088
  • Most Rounded Average - Wario: 1 Avg; 1 distance for all Glide Tosses
  • Longest Glide Toss - Luigi Backwards Reverse - 6.0714
  • Shortest non-zero Glide Toss - Charizard Forward and F Reverse - 0.2856
  • Longest Forward: Pit: 5.0714.
  • Shortest non-zero Forward: Charizard: 0.2856
  • Longest Backwards: Marth: 5.357
  • Shortest non-zero Backwards: Luigi: 0.357
  • Longest F Reverse: Pit: 5.0714
  • Shortest non-zero F Reverse - Charizard - 0.2856
  • Longest B Reverse: Luigi: 6.0714
  • Shortest non-zero B Reverse: Lucas and Ness: 0.5712

And in conclusion, some side notes:

  • All of the backwards Glide Tosses that cover no distance actually cover a very small distance coming from the pre-set momentum of throwing an item backwards.
  • I realize Yoshi isn’t on here; he can’t Glide Toss. Unlike those who don’t gain any distance, Yoshi cannot cancel his roll at all by throwing an item.

Thanks goes to Rapid Assassin (on June 5th) for noticing that I forgot Peach; and apparently I missed Ness, Olimar, and Pikachu as well. They’ve been added.

And that’s all. Thanks for reading. :razz:
… Actually, no that’s not all. :rofl: Recently, I’ve compiled a rankings list of sorts, organizing the people with the longest Glide Tosses in each category.

Here are the ranking lists for each of the four Glide Tosses, listed in Tier format!

God Tier = 6 or more (only one Glide Toss is up this high.)
Top Tier = 4.5 or more (Very few are up here)
High Tier = 3.5 or more (These guys are usually very close to Top.)
Mid Tier = 2 or more (Average length Glide Toss. Nothing special.)
Low Tier = 1 or more (Most Glide Toss Lengths are here)
Bottom Tier = Less than 1; non-zero. (A lot are here too.)
Garbage Tier = No distance. (ouch.)
Non-Existent Tier = Yoshi (No, seriously. He can’t cancel his roll.)

God Tier
Nope, not here.

Top Tier
1.) Pit
2.) Metaknight

High Tier
3.) Donkey Kong
4.) Sonic
5.) Mr. Game & Watch
6.) Falco

Mid Tier
7.) ROB
8.) Squirtle
9.) Peach
10.) ZSS

Low Tier
11.) Ivysaur
12.) Diddy
13.) Zelda
14.) Ganondorf
15.) Captain Falcon, Marth
17.) Pikachu
18.) Snake
19.) Wario

Bottom Tier
20.) Samus
21.) Olimar
22.) Wolf
23.) Fox, Lucario
25.) Ice Climbers
26.) Mario
27.) Lucas, Ness
29.) Charizard
30.) Luigi

Garbage Tier
31.) Bowser, DeDeDe, Ike, Jigglypuff, Kirby, Link, Sheik, Toon Link

Non-existent Tier
39.) Yoshi

God Tier
Try again…

Top Tier
1.) Marth
2.) Pit

High Tier
3.) Metaknight
4.) Mr. Game & Watch
5.) Sonic

Mid Tier
6.) Captain Falcon
7.) ROB

Low Tier
8.) Diddy
9.) Squirtle
10.) Samus
11.) Lucario
12.) Zelda
13.) Snake
14.) Mario
15.) Ivysaur
16.) Ganondorf
17.) Ike, Pikachu
19.) Wario

Bottom Tier
20.) Wolf
21.) Fox
22.) Olimar
23.) Lucas, Ness
25.) Peach
26.) Luigi

Garbage Tier
27.) Bowser, Charizard, DeDeDe, DK, Falco, Ice Climbers, Jigglypuff, Kirby, Link, Sheik, Toon Link, ZSS

Non-existent Tier
39.) Yoshi

God Tier
Wait for it…

Top Tier
1.) Pit
2.) Metaknight

High Tier
3.) DK
4.) Mr. Game & Watch, Sonic
6.) Falco

Mid Tier
7.) ROB
8.) Squirtle, ZSS
10.) Peach

Low Tier
11.) Diddy
12.) Zelda
13.) Ivysaur
14.) Luigi
15.) Captain Falcon, Marth
17.) Ganondorf
18.) Snake
19.) Wario

Bottom Tier
20.) Samus
21.) Olimar
22.) Wolf
23.) Fox, Lucario
25.) Ice Climbers
26.) Mario, Pikachu
28.) Lucas, Ness
30.) Charizard

Garbage Tier
31.) Bowser, DeDeDe, Ike, Jigglypuff, Kirby, Link, Sheik, Toon Link

Non-Existent Tier
39.) Yoshi

God Tier (There we go…)
1.) Luigi

Top Tier
2.) Marth
3.) Pit

High Tier
4.) Metaknight
5.) Mr. Game & Watch
6.) Sonic

Mid Tier
7.) ROB
8.) Captain Falcon

Low Tier
9.) Diddy
10.) Squirtle
11.) Lucario
12.) Samus, Zelda
14.) Snake
15.) Ivysaur, Mario
17.) Ganondorf
18.) Ike
19.) Peach, Wario

Bottom Tier
21.) Wolf
22.) Fox
23.) Olimar
24.) Lucas, Ness
26.) Pikachu

Garbage Tier
27.) Bowser, Charizard, DeDeDe, DK, Falco, Ice Climbers, Jigglypuff, Kirby, Link, Sheik, Toon Link, ZSS

Non-Existent Tier
39.) Yoshi

Sorry to all the Yoshi mains out there :razz:

I wonder why Nintendo feels the need to poop on Yoshi everytime. Even when they don’t mean to (like this).

Anyway, fun stuff! Glide tossing with Diddy makes the game fun again.

lol Yoshi always gets the short end of the stick :rofl: it’s a tradition in smash
Link too >.>

These tier lists are only based on distance, but imo Diddy alone is top tier when it comes to glide tossing. :bgrin:

Yeah someone showed me this 2 months back, with snakes grenades pretty slick stuff, yeah and this move right combined with some of his other crap is why I dislike fighting a diddy kong.

BTW what does it mean by backwards reverse and forward reverse, maybe Im doing it but im just a little confused.

R.O.B can glide toss way further than that, in all directions. he has two different speeds. for example he can glide toss a banana as far as possible, and nail them with an up smash if they’re big enough before they can get out of the slip. I do the long glide toss a couple of times in this vid: [media=youtube]QCTwkHA7FXw&fmt=18[/media] At 1:45 i do the short version.

F= Throw forward, glide forward.
B= Throw backwards, glide forward.
BR=Throw backwards, glide backwards.
FR=Throw forward, glide backwards.

ROB’s is correct

Yeah, I’m probably just fooled by the sheer speed of it…