Before I start, I know this is only a game, but a game I’ve invested a lot of time in to and not something I just play now and again.
Recently thanks to this new bug thats going on on the PSN, I’ve noticed that my BP score in Ranked is lowering itself (or sometimes going higher) whenever I log back on.
Sometimes it’s only been 50-100 points give or take (and sometimes when I get DC mid game, I’m also losing BP then!), which isnt too bad really. I was around 2500BP over the weekend, and then started a terrible losing streak that saw me drop quite a lot to a lowest of around 1400bp. Despite being a useless number in a gaming world, I thought to myself I will claim my lost points and stop when I got over 2000 points again.
I managed that in quite a short space of time, and turned the console off with 2058 points.
Today, with the new firmware and me not bothering to download it, I spent a lot of time doing trials for other characters and stuff, but I’ve just logged on now to see my BP at…
1480BP, my GP has gone from 900 something to 671 and so all that time play has gone out the window.
I know points dont mean nothing or anything, but it makes the game more fun when there’s a reward. Currently that reward is being taken away by Capcoms incompetence (which I’ve noticed even more the more I play)
Sorry for the rant but I’ve had enough
Ps. I’ve tried all the techniques and what not to fix this problem, Im from the UK so Timewarner has nothing to do with my problems