My band, Tyrannovox, is enrolled in a contest to open for Kiss when they come to Michigan.
If anybody wants to help us out by voting for us, the instructions are here.
The process isn’t quite as streamlined as our instructions make it out to be, but it’s not that complicated. You’d think that a band that’s better known for its marketing genius than its music would pick an organization with a less clunky website, but weirder things have happened.
Our music can be found on the MySpace page, though we don’t do much with it anymore. These days, we pay a bit more attention to the Blogspot page. Which might reveal something about how long it’s been since I’ve thought about my SRK sig.
Sure there is.
Step 1: Approach the nearest police officer.
Step 2: Tell him that you would like to vote against Tyrannovox, and that you just molested a busload of children after giving them heroin. Be sure to emphasize that you’re probably going to do it again. It helps to be completely naked and covered in heroin residue.