We don’t know full context, it happened in India, completely different culture than outs, with a culture that still pretty much treats women like shit. I’m not saying sucide was the right choice but this thread has shown just how little motherfuckers can actualyl read or understand anything.
Maybe Facebook was the better way for her to communicate and socialize because for a 17 year old girl to be out in India would be like a beached whale surrounded by a pack of tigers. Some very foul shit has come out of India as retaining to young women.
On an outsiders point of view, this must have been incredibly frustrating to waste 17 years of your life raising up a child to have her throw out her life outside the window just because her addiction to facebook was so severe that she probably smoked weed and said “fuck it i can’t live without face let me write this down and kill myself”. Not to mention the monetary waste for the parents that they expended the past 17 years which is now unrewarded.
The Internetmonster note:
Im glad the bitch killed herself, fuck out of 'ere. Waste of oxygen for that piece of human trash.
The Funny yet twisted note:
I wonder if she created the event on facebook for the date she hung herself. Events for today: “Hanging out with xXDumbitch69erXx”
Dude, she was not your average party hard, get-wasted yolo white american chick. This took place IN INDIA, NOT AMERICA. That “piece of trash” probably had more going for her than the current crop of grown-up Liberal Arts idiots amassing a shitload of student debt as we speak. She’d still be around if her family didn’t try to deny her basic human contact outside of the house.
if a parent tells you to stop that shit you fucki g stop. they worked hard raisi g you and worked hard to provide so that you could move on. they didn’t have to do that. they only need to feed you and give you a place to sleep and this being india, parents care about you moving on…
incositerate selfish shit imo. parents don’t tell yoh to stop that and then restrict whatever it is for no reason. she lacked perspective, she did withou facebook for years, what’s a few more.
I feel bad for her parents. all they wanted was for her to succed, and now they are goi g to feel responsible for her stupidity.
Of course we don’t know the full context of what happened, but come on. If your child is astoundingly stupid, it’s because you raised them that way. Parents always have the best intentions, but sometimes usually they do things that screw up their children, and tragically, those screwups sometimes result in suicide.
There are lots of places to throw the blame: the parents, the child’s environment, trauma or mental disorders, or most likely none of the above. But the one person who is not at fault is the child who had so little control over these factors, and felt like the only way out was to end their life.
wrong. if a child is born a few months ahead they don’t have the same abilitu to reason as a normal child due to lack of grey matter.
secondly, no matter how hard a parent tries, outside factors can and will influence a child. some children listen and have the ability to be insightful at a young age. those don’t stray.
others lack perdpective no matter how hatd a parent tries. you can lead a horse to water, doesn’t mean the horse is gonna drink. this child choose death, the balme is on her, she lacked perspective.
and hwr parents lacking that or a fault with them is not their fault. my parents lacked that and wherw always quock to do stupod things, bit with the basic shot thwy knew, thwy taught me to pay attention to my surroundungs and learned valuble skills from others and did not rely on thwm for skills which thwy lacked…
this bitch should have slowed down amd thought thi gs through.