Girl kills herself after parents ban her from Facebook

I blame Marvel 3 :coffee:

My lord would be proud…
Everything is going according to his plan…


Fucking horrific things happen all the time. I ran out of fucks to give a long time ago, and so did you. If you didn’t, you’d be in mental asylum somewhere. Stop pretending to care. Get your posturing out of here.



I ran out of fucks to give about what, exactly? (Hint: doesn’t matter, any response you give would be stupid).

Thanks, Dr. mowr. You’re one hell of a mental expert.

I’m not pretending to care about anything. I’m telling you that if you think this is in any way good, you’re an idiot.

Missing that point of my post and responding the way you did also makes you an idiot. So you’d be an idiot two times over. Congrats.

“Kromo died of electrocution. He was found in the bathtub filled with consoles and arcade sticks, while the suicide note simply read: ‘We Da Bes’”

Shitty thread that belongs at 4chan.

Sonicabid is the kind of canuck who would say “LOL” out loud.

The poster who said that is known to be an idiot.

Uh, she’s in India. Most of that shit is not their problem.

Well, visit…you might find some cheap!

I feel for her family and loved ones but my goodness that is one of the dumb reason to kill yourself.

so far all of the people mentioning “natural selection” are known retards of srk. i guess its a buzzword to let everyone know they took a science class once in their lives… or saw it in a youtube comment. same thing nowadays, right?

this is a pretty understandable event. most people here besides shitty sf4 players are least 24 y/o. she’s 17, so most of this kid’s social life has probably been based around the existence of facebook. it doesn’t supplement some older foundation. it WAS the foundation. anybody who doesn’t think it’s important to read between the lines of this case before concluding anything is a dumbass, plain and simple. but, in typical teenaged fashion, her being so direct in mentioning facebook by name is causing (stupid) people to think the website at face value is relevant somehow. w/e.

That’s a tough match-up.

When I was checking my email on yahoo, there was a news clip on the side saying that teens use less of facebook, almost like when myspace was becoming less popular. Why would you off yourself if most of your “friends” are on instagram or twitter? I dunno, I got off the social networking train years ago, unless you count this and another forum part of it.

Facebook is still far more prominent in teen life than twitter or instagram

She was clearly an internet addict. Uh, I am too…

She probably killed herself because she lost the ability to communicate with someone she loves.

Not even, she killed herself because she couldn’t play Farmville and Candy Crush Saga.

Well, it’s a shame she can’t update her status!

id probably kill myself if someone made me get BACK on facebook.

Id kill myself if my gf ever got on my facebook :eek: