Neuroticism and Facebook mix very well, as you can see
Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. I have much bigger things to worry about than which random offed themselves over the latest silly shit. In my estimations, we need more of the people who would off themselves over silly shit to go ahead and do it. Maybe we’d have a chance at getting to another fucking solar system before the end of this century.
Gonna sound like a dick, but this is just natural selection. Anybody who would kill themselves over fucking Facebook wasn’t going to accomplish anything anyway. Whether its for themselves or humanity.
Thanks for that obviously thorough look into what might have been her future to let us know of that apparent fact.
Are you ok?
good for her, i hope more follow.
fuck yo social networks.
Darwinism maybe??
Global Economic Crisis
High Unemployment
Expensive University Tuition
Mass Shootings
Rampant Bullying/Cyberbulling
Terrorist Massacres
And a teenage girl kills herself over not being able to use Facebook?!
I feel sorry for her.
Be honest how much of that type of shit were you thinking about at that age? Not saying you couldn’t have been the type to look into future issues you’d run into in your adult life, but most kids don’t. Even the bullying issue which is more relevant to them they gloss over.
The brain is weird and does weird things so I’ll just leave it at that.
damn india must be a real shitty place if fb is the best you got
Did the story break on Twitter?
Strengthening the gene pool tbh. If you would take your own life over anything so trivial, the the world is much better served giving resources that would have gone to you to…ANYONE else.
The only thing kids worry about now is college tuition and unployment. Only pussies worry about bullying. REAL niggas fuck them pussy ass bullies up.
Well many people have become too attached to social networking sites/forums/etc. Perhaps facebook was unfortunately this girl’s only social outlet. We are social animals and need it in some form. Perhaps it was the straw that broke the camel’s back and there are horrific things she had gone through or was going through.
I wonder what all was going on in her life, their had ot be some emntal problems there that were going unchecked.
As far as natural selection, survival of the fittest. Yeah that isn’t exactly true, not with humans. Undesirable physical traits haven’t been bred out of humanity cause it isn’t all about being the alpha male (strongest/healthiest). A fat bald slob can pass on his genes, as well as those with terrible hereditary diseases.
Even if we were saying intelligence is the most important thing, then it would be ideal if only geniuses reproduced. After all a large factor in intelligence is genetics.
If anyone should be “improving the gene pool” by offing themselves, it’s the idiots that think committing suicide over the lack of facebook is a good thing.
Maybe they killed her and theyre lying?