
Time to get your girl fight on!!!

Totally not a DOA ripoff whatsoever guys. It even has a hot black chick!!!

Day one purchase bitches.


In depth video showing the online system and incredible story!!!

Truly a fighting game for the ages

But not for ALL ages! This one is aimed strictly at “mature” audiences!

You know: responsible, intelligent people who are are in control of their own emotions and hormones.


We wanted this to be a competitive game but you earn in-game money and buy character upgrades with it.

Better than paying real money i guess.

What’s with all these games having an all female cast?
You think Capcom will pick up on this?

What “all these games” are you talking about?

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I’ll be honest. I do not like how this game looks, mainly because it looks like Mortal Kombat, which isn’t one of my favorite games. I’m not saying that makes the game awful, though.

2 = All lol

I wanna know more specifics about this though. Can use you use the abilities from within chains (like an RC of sorts)? What about stagger hits? Is it certain moves or on counter hit? Need to know more.

You just don’t know.


this should replace ae at evo

An all girl cast FG? Okay guys, whose the trap in the game? Hopefully this time it’s a black chick for the sake of being different.

Official theme… Hopefully :rock:

Having to unlock abilities is a complete turn off. Keep that garbage in shooters

I just liked the idea to show why the downed opponent is fine in the other round.

Other things…meh.

I would be thoroughly disappointed if this song is not in the game. I mean licensing costs for this song couldn’t possibly be that high.

Looks like shit.

Well as a whole “all female fighters” games aren’t really uncommon. There’s Arcana Heart, Dead or Alive, that one doujin fighter, Skullgirls, and now this. However only two of those are recent franchises. That trend luckily died a few years ago.

Dead or Alive? Have you even played it? Try again buddy.