Girl calls in bomb threat on college graduation to hide the fact that she dropped out of college

I don’t even know where to begin…

^With this song:

Yipes: That sucks.

I lived in Japan. This ‘all Asian people study really hard and are really clever’ is about a big a myth as you can possibly get. Some of them are as dumb as a box of rocks and twice and lazy.

So, you know, normal people.

College could’ve been such a blast

Nope. Idiocy is a worldwide epidemic. Asians are good at math is a stereotype.

I ought to blog the shit my ex said that made me lose brain cells.

Hey guys, what’s going on in here?

Typical bashing of women choices that lead to stories of the face palm variety. Care to join?

I feel guilty reading this and I haven’t even done anything wrong

She just wanted all her friends to think she was da bomb.

Maybe if she didn’t bomb all of her classes, she wouldn’t be in this mess.

This is stupid (really stupid), but we have NO idea the amount of pressure that was put on her and her family situation.

I know people who’ve parents pilled up the pressure on their kids at college way past the breaking point. It’s a terrible thing to see.

What was she thinking?

“Yes!!! The bomb threat canceled my graduation, best case they say fuck it and just let people mail/pickup their diplomas. My parents totally wont notice the fact that i don’t have a diploma!! Worst Case they redo the ceremony later but naaahhhh… Who does that. Its definitely going to be permanently canceled”


I think the real question is how the fuck did she get into college in the first place?

I mean…lets at Best, best case scenario…she gets away with it…graduation is cancelled forever,ever…when she gets back to real life…y u no got job in your field?..y u no got degree on wall?..

Why does everyone seem to think that she’s going nowhere in life?

I think the fact that she actually called in the second bomb threat proves that she’s the kind of person who re-fuses to give up.

At least this is better than the kids who end up relieving their stress by shooting up a school.

I knew a girl whose parents set expectations too high and she just crumbled and flunk out and just killed herself. It was the stereotypical “no one saw it coming” but we knew it would happen.

The US are making things worse by creating an environment where “everyone is a winner” so kids don’t get experience losing and don’t know how to deal with it. Reading stuff in the news like a coach getting fired because his basketball team beat another team by too many points can only happen in a country as messed up as the US.

…Talk about a


2 hit combo “KO EXPLOSION”


More like topical. Like your acne cream.

But this did remind me of those female arabian ninjas matrirch don’t even know about and rep, not even almost as sick as those chicks. A credit to their sexual race, and women everywhere. ku no ichi > uguu bitchey, or bimbo beachy