My inputs are during the super freeze. Sorry I upset you, FlungDungFar, but I’m actually working to see what’s going on here.
Pics in spoiler, which correspond with the section of my video that starts at @43 seconds in.
One QCF input. This is the final frame before the super freeze.
The input window is not shown during the cinematic. This is the last frame of the cinematic.
A second QCF motion is on the screen now. There is no way I could have input it during the time between frame 1379 and 1380. It was most definitely done during the super freeze cinematic. You can also see that Nova hasn’t actually been hit yet. Gimlet takes one frame to hit.
Hawkeye starts his jump off the screen on frame 1381 as Nova gets hit, and Doom will come in with Doom Time shortly thereafter.
So when I’m saying I’m having trouble executing this bug, please understand the reason I’m having trouble executing it is because it’s just not working for me.
Astaroth, Doromac, Ampharos have all managed to get their parts in without being condescending and are causing me to try and peel away at it to see if I can really pinpoint it.
The only time I reliably reproduce a DP DHC is if I have the forward direction held as the super freeze begins, even if I go neutral after. This is, however, not what is being reported from the others. So, whatever’s going on here, I don’t know. I get my QCF DHCs without any problems. I’m sorry I couldn’t shed any more light on it for you guys.