I still think its ironic you got beat by a Chun NKI. Despite it being a bad match-up for Bison, its not awful.
I can see where NKI is coming from. I don’t personally think she’s bad, or even MUCH worse. But, there are a lot of added annoyances, and all her worst matches (Ryu, Ken, Sagat, Fei Long) seemed to get harder.
Perhaps I would do better, but it is really frustrating and totally not fun to play as Chun in Remix.
Are you talking about in the team tourney? In the singles tourney, the only character I lost to was Ryu.
Yea he’s talking about the team tourney.
NKI’s good, the first time I played him was when I knew I was gonna be successful in the game.
I can totally understand where NKI is coming from. I can’t play Cammy anymore in HD Remix either, even though Cammy is decidedly better. It’s just that everything you know and are so muscle memory and subconsciously tuned to no longer works. I mentioned to Sirlin, for example, my ENTIRE strategy against Guile and Chun Li in VST with Cammy is based around two moves: Jump Strong and Cannon Spike, and both were nerfed to completely obliterate my strategy. So even though Cammy can beat them better in HDR due to her other improvements, my instincts will steer me incorrectly and I personally will have a harder time fighting them.
I just need to pick another character and go with him/her so old habits won’t hurt me.
- James
True. I’m not a big fan of playing Claw in HDR due to his lost shenanigans (which made up a LOT of the fun with Claw). It’s not as good of an example as yours, but still.
Oh, James, who do you play as in HDR? (assuming you actually play it)
I never even played VST much at all. Maybe just a few hours on the Anniversary Collection I have on the XBox. HDR is pretty much fresh for me, which is interesting because I’ve been playing SF since '94!
i can play cammy just fine since 95% of americans can’t time their combos
throw throw throw
You need to develop an effective way to deliver negative reinforcement to yourself when you execute the wrong strategy.
Slap yourself in the face.
Take a sip of pickle juice.
Yank out a nose hair.
Do 5 push-ups.
Whatever it takes.
Right now when you slip into your ST strategy, you probably chalk it up to ingrained ST conditioning and excuse your reactions.
So you excuse the mistake and end up not re-conditioning yourself into the proper strategy.
Find a way to punish yourself… and then beat yourself into submission.
The easiest way not to incorporate ST patterns into HDR is to treat them as completely different games. Don’t think about HDR being a revision of ST, think of a it as a brand new game, and relearn it from the ground up. If you tried to play SFIV Ryu like ST Ryu it would make no sense. So treat HDR like that and remove yourself completely from ST when you think about the game. I look at the cast of ST and HDR and see 32 completely different characters.
Don’t say “Alright, when I was in blockstun in ST this is how I got out of it, I’ll do the same in HDR as nothing has changed”…relearn that entire situation for HDR even if you think it’s the exact same thing.
This is what I did for VF4 and VF5, I relearned everything for VF5 and started playing from the ground up again from the most basic strategies working my way to advanced. Now I can go back to VF4 without a beat from VF5.
You are definitely more ambitious than I am.
I like to study ST footage of top Japan players to hone my HDR game.
I understand what you’re saying with regards to the game being different in so many ways.
But I also feel that so much has ported over, and the ST footage is FULL of gems that can be brought to bear on so many matchups/scenarios.
Of course this is very character specific, as some characters seem to play VERY different now.
That said, once I have the ST strats down some, I do start to experiment with the new tech in HDR.
Street Fighter makes me hurt myself so much already when I lose to Flowchart Kens in SFIV online. Do I really need to punish myself even more?!?!? :crybaby:
Yeah, I dunno how people do that. I suck at that really badly. I’ve seen Choi and Valle go from Alpha 2 to Alpha 3 without blinking. Yet when I go from SFIV to BlazBlue, it takes me like 10 games before I figure out exactly how to Throw in BlazBlue again. You should see me when I go from SFIV to HDR. I try Dive Kicking with Cammy, and try to throw with Jab and Short all day.
I’m horrible at switching between games, I’m not sure what it is. So when you ask me to go from VST to HDR, the change is even harder because they ARE so similar. I think that’s why I enjoy using Fei Long in this game so much. He’s SO FAR off base from what he used to be that I can use him without getting confused.
- James
People who switch so easily impress me. When I go from playing ST/HDR (blanka) to SF4 (Abel) it takes me forever to stop charging and throwing with fierce.