Gief vs Fei: Monk Patience

Hello all, a semi decent Fei player here asking for some advice in the Gief matchup. Due to my loss at Southtown during the Ranbats yesterday to SF Gief (curse you! Lol), i would like to know what to look for and what general strategy to use.

I know to be extremely patient and to “space or die” with the rekka pressure but there were a few times Gief got in and I got tossed a bunch. This was my own inexperience with the matchup but it would be helpful if someone gave me some tips!

With this match you have to use your pokes really well, 9/10 you wont rekka much in this match up because of SPD, i believe even LP rekka can be Light SPD on block by Gief in AE due to its new range. You want to look for his jump-ins if he does any and counter with far HK or St. Mk both work well and you wont trade. Cr.HP and Cr.MK are good at stopping Gief moving forward. If he happens to get a knock down and attempts to put you in that 50/50 guessing game of Lariet, Grab, SPD, etc…use ex cw to escape, be careful if he is using U2 though. You basically want to force Gief to walk towards you while your keeping him at mid range, that way you can anti-air him with normals and lp rekka him when he tries to walk forward or cr.HP. This is more of a matchup that requires you to just use pokes to win and less rekka pressue.

Oh ok, so I should space him with normals and fk if he jumps.

What about Giefs into suplex setup? Or I should more specifically ask: what should be done after a knockdown in his favor? I know they like to Green Hand so that they’re next to you, but if he does that setup am I supposed to auto correct a fk? Not sure what the best option would be to deal with it…

Thanks for the help! Much appreciated!

I wouldn’t flame kick unless he has u1. A lot of smart giefs bait flame kick tactics then U2 you. Stay away, mix up your game by neutral jumps after green hand and if they lariat a lot after that, just backdash or get out. I rather get hit by a lariat then a spd to be honest. Poking, standing heavy kick and the medium punch will be your best bet. T hawk is worse than gief in my opinion.

But if you get hit by a lariat on a neutral they can green hand you and it’s back to the guessing game.

What I’m really interested in is what should I do about Giefs j. Lk suplex setup. That’s where I’m stuck

Gief’s biggest weakness will alway’s be back dashing. For the cross up set ups, pick U2. You should probably pick U2 in this match anyway to be honest. You can also think outiside the box and save for super if you want. No more lariats for gief. Also, if your feeling especially ballsy, on a knock down, straight up meaty tenshin. I can hear gief brains explode when I pull this off. It’s the last thing a grappler expects.

I think (might need checking) you can cr-mk under neath the if your up in time. Like what you would do with a Guy elbow drop.

As others have said. Cr and st.Fierce and are the go to tools.

Thanks so much for the help! Leveling up is not easy ^~^

Just a heads-up, in the future please refer the master guide and then follow along to a specific match-up thread. Here is Zangiefs:

I would have referred to it but there wasn’t anything new so I thought maybe a new thread would spark some info, which can be added to the master guide. I guess it doesn’t really matter as 2012 is right around the corner too

What I meant was posting there rather than making another thread. People are good about responding; it just avoids clutter and keeps things organized for future reference.