(The theme song for this is a combination of Fall Out Boy and Missy Elliot? Ew. I’ll give it a listen later, if only to be fair and if only because unlike the movie it’s actually free. Still, I’ll only do so after I feel like hurting myself or am already in pain since I fully expect it to be horrible like the movie itself.
Oh well. At least they didn’t waste a good song on this movie if nothing else.)
I’d be somewhat dismayed that we talking about this if a) there hadn’t been a far more inane discussion in the Lounge yesterday and b) the only real alternative were talking about the upcoming that is doubtless worse than the comics from what I’ve seen and no near as interesting. So instead I’ll pose a constructive question given I’ve been curious about this for a while: @CDB2, what got you into the Ghostbusters comics in the first place and when did it happen?
Apologies if you already answered either of those questions, but I currently don’t remember.
Those faces are fucking scarier than the ghost. Why that one bitch look like in the middle look manlier than everyone. Why Jeannine got a receding hairline?
My bad for not answering this sooner angelpalm through me for a loop. It happened about 3 years ago, though I have been a fan of the artist of the comic for years, even when he had started off on D.A… Plus he was a big long time Ghostbuster fan, and garnered the attention of the old crew before he hit it big.
Hence, The art style and writing felt spot on & true on to the Ghostbusters franchise.