GGXX #reno-crew


me jc and Jp all got knocked really early :frowning:

JP lost to ChatoicBlue
JC lost to a top Millia from FL
I lost to some random Johnny player :mad:

Paul won one then lost to Sirlin barely

Ruin was one round away from taking daigo to losers in XX but lost

Ruin and Peter from Vegas qualified for final 8

Daigo, RF, MIU, KingDevil jpn, Ruin, Peter, Kensou, ID are the final 8 in XX

I lost to a Chinese honda player… he was really good … and i lost the last round ; ; its been over 6yrs since i’ve faced a honda vs honda match oh well

then i took out Spence who was in the final 8 last year YAY!!!

only to lose to Tragic’s Blanka ; ;

oh well… maybe next year…

See you all home tomorrow :smiley:



I had a feeling that a Blanka might end it all. :smiley: :o

nice job guys :slight_smile: b
did anyone play flash???

Initial D is finally working at Century!!! Kinda pricey though, $1 a game. Went and saw Harold and Kumar go to White Castle and The Village.

Initial D game

{Brakes. Stop.} “Hi. Initial D Ver. 3 at the Reno Hilton Fun Quest. Bye.” {Gas. GOOOOO!} <NO ONE SLEEPS IN TOKYO!..>

Reno guys are in the backround of this video from G4 tv.

Initial D game

Hell yeah, oh oh, Atlantis, you better pick it up, your competition is showing ya up!!!

I still don’t think a lot of people will go to the Hilton still. I mean, what else do they have? Simpsons 6 player? I might go there once a year, but the lure of that racing gaming just isn’t that big anymore.


I am doing all I can. Trust me I know we need new games. We will get them.

Almost died! Wooooo! Yay for the tire of the semi in front of me blowing out

Aight back from Evo… still very tired…

Day 1
OMG the registration took forever!!!
we were one of the first 20 in line to register and it took over 1hr 30min just to get in and registred… eek
What was even worse was that GSN was there asking people in line dumb questions… omg crazy shit… the announcer person asked this one guy what his finishing death blow move and the guy said… ranging storm… so he was like can u show it to us… and everyone in line stepped out the way… and the guy LITERLY did RAGING STORM with all its glory… hehe too good…
We were let in while Tekken 5 was being previewed… OMG too good… everyone in RenoCrew was excited to play the game… u had to get in line and it about an hr long just to play one game… well… i played julia… and all i have to say is sigh ; ;… she is no longer a top character as far as i can tell… JP on the other hand chose Raven… and won 3 in a row before Jason Arney kicked him out… Arney also did this crazy 50% combo w/ Asuka off a throw… too good… course JP still one the round hehe… nice

A lot of good casual… we all did pretty well vs MIU’s Sol… I called it a day…

Day 2
Everyone one of us was in a different pool so that was kinda cool no reno player had to play each other right off the bat…
JC was first up… and just BEASTED everyone… OMG JC was hot that day… his last match was vs Combofiend… OMG JC was still on fire… the second round i think… combofiend literly made JC block for a good 20+ sec of the round… and JC was hella patient didnt throw out any random limbs and ended up beating Combofiend… and although he lost… he qualified in the losers…
I was next… I started to rock the house w/ Eddie baby!!! hehe well I did well all the way until I met this Eddie player who OMG caught me w/ a freakin unblockable I tried to one frame jump out not thinking that he was close enough for me to option select throw him out of the unblockable… so i lost one game… but I did qualify for the semi bracket…
Paul does the same… qualifies in the losers
Nick C. had a really tough bracket… had Marneto and Destin… unfortunately he did really well unfortunatley didnt make it out…
Tantin didnt either but he did get round off of James Austin (supposed best EC eddie player) good for him!!! yay
JP made it out too unfortunately had Kenji in his bracket who is the best EC player and did well vs him but still made it to semi’s in the losers…
I had to play my ST match… HONDA time baby… and my first match was vs a Ryu player that plays w/ Bob Painter’s Honda (imo the best US ST honda player)… it was not easy esp since its Ryu vs Honda… but I pulled it off… Next was vs KinDebu (Evo 2k4 CvS2 Champion / 2nd GGXX)… another Ryu vs Honda… close match I won then he changed to Vega… now thats a match that Honda has the advantage and yes i won!!.. next was vs ShinJin from SRK… played O.Sagat… omg another match i truly hate… not an impossible match but not an easy one non the less… i came through with that one too… my final match was vs a Dhali player… all he tried to go for was tick throw… and i got caught first game… but proceded to use my HONDA AWSOMENESS and won… so i made it out of my pool undeafeated w/ HONDA!!! yaya…
CvS2 time… ok… i havent played the game seriously in months maybe years now… but hey what the heck… when I saw who I had I knew I had no chance… Jason Cole / Gunter… both of whom played in SVGL and are really good players IMO… Gunter has been in Jpn all this time and Im sure he’s been playing a lot… we had our match and it was a good one but his A-groove team was just a little bit better than me… DAMN now that means for me to qual i have to win ever match including Jason Cole… i win my other matches ok… almost lost to a roll super rolento… got caught 3x w/ that shit… omg scrubby me… hehe… well my match vs Cole… I was hella doing good… my c-blanka,chun,sagat his k-cammy,bison,vega… i was doing hella good until cole hit me w/ lvl3 w/ cammy on my blanka… blanka out… my chun takes out cammy, bison comes in hella close match both had nothing and cole beat my chun… sagat vs bison… sagat manage to beat bison w/o losing any life nor wasted any super… final match Sagat lvl3 vs K-Vega I HATE THIS MATCH almost as bad as A-Bison and A-Vega… oh well… I was doing hella hella good!!! i was winning… cole was down to 25% left and I had like 40% and then cole stops the match… im like WTF… he was like my controler wasnt working right… im WTF… omg it was true… he tried to backdash and it only walked back… fine restart the match (hella Dirty)… Sagat lvl3 vs K-Vega… restart the match… and i truly was taking cole to the limit… we both had nothing left… NOTHING… and cole just out footsied me and beat my sagat… ; ;… after the match he told me that he felt like it wasnt working earlier but didnt really mind until torwards the end when he thought he was gonna lose that he had to step out… so in my book I HAD U COLE!!! NEXT TIME… hehe
Day was over… I saw a lot of other matches pretty cool day…

Here I am w/o any practice in CvS2 and ST and Im in the winners of ST and almost beat cole in CvS2…
The one game I did practice GGXX and im in the losers…
Needless to say… my first match was in ST vs an Chinese or Taiwanese Honda player… mind u I had not faced a serious Honda vs Honda match in like 6 yrs… it was a rude awakening… it was a close fight but I lost…
Next was GGXX… both me and JC was called the same time… all I knew bout JC’s match was that he had to face a top Fl Millia player and i guess lost…
My match was even worse… i lost so random pad playing Johnny player… like an idiot i kept flipping when i shoulda just stayed grounded… and I lost… GGPO next year #reload… hehe
My next was in ST vs David Spence who was in the final 8 of last years ST… he used Sim… i was not expecting to win… but I played my best and some I pulled a crazy upset and sent him home… yay HONDA lives to fight another game hehe…
Just as I got done playing Paul had to face some Eddie player and proceded to beast him… then had to immediately face Sirlin… ok… Paul has beaten Sirlin in NCR before pretty easily… but Sirlin has been playin vs the japanese all week long and although it was a hella close match… Sirlin beat Paul…
JP’s first match was the same time I had to face Tragic in ST… so I dont really know what happened… but I guess JP ahd to face Chaotic Blue and I guess JP lost ; ;
My match vs Blanka… ok… eveyone must realize this… I dont think i’ve ever faced a blanka in a ST tourney match… and I had no idea what to expect… Tragic definately knew the match well and even though it came down to the last round of the third game… he did beat him… ; ; (first tekken, then xx, now ST… stop it tragic)
Oh well my year was done… but I saw some crazy matches… including a girl beating Mester one game in 3s =P… Ruin almost losing to Cue and almost beating Daigo in XX… and saw Kindevu beat Kensou… course later on me and Kindevu talked for a while, then me and MIU and finaly me and RF… they were hella fun and I learned a lot about the players I saw on the videos and the tiers in the game and how they played… heh
3on3 #r tourney was a joke… it was me/jp/paul on one team… and jc/nick/paul suh on another team… we both had to face a team from Taiwan… and got peaced out HELLA FAST… taiwan slayer too good… he peaced both our teams by himself… ouch… oh well… highlights was seeing Sirlin beast ruin and saif by himself and almost beating CB… KinDevu peaced the taiwan team by himself… and questioning how ruin got to be in two teams (DIRTY DIRTY… hehe)

Day 4
Didnt see VF4 heard that a Jpn Shun player won…
Didnt see Tek4 heard that Jackie Tran beat Jin kid… jin vs jin… OMG who woulda thunk that… hehe
No MvC2 team
No CvS2 team

SC2 - suxed… finals was Mick vs RTD… both were friend and didnt take each other seriously and just fucked around… WTF was that shit all about… unknown players qualified… didnt see Floe or Aris dont know if they tried our not…but it wasnt that great

TTT - pretty good… not like last year… a lot of top american players didnt come or didnt make it… no koreans… no japanese … pretty sad seeing a lot of Julia’s in the finals no Ogres couple of second rated Mishimas… it almost felt like i was in regionals… so many dumb mistakes and missed combos… good job Ryan Hart from UK … a real TTT player won the tourney…

ST - omg Justin is a beast for making it this far… although couple of other didnt and should have there was more than enough to make this final really fun… KUNI!!! Zangief SPD… beat Seth (Honda) / Alex Valle (O.Sagat) / and Justin Wong (O.Sagat/Chun)
Alex and Choi both did amazing vs Daigo… omg both coulda won… but the beast brought this year BALROG… DEATH TO ALL!!! hehe

GGXX - pretty good Daigo won again… Ruin lost to ID… Peter from Vegas lost to Kensou’s eddie [wonders how come]… Kindevu vs RF was crazy… even though KinDevu is just an avg eddie player he’s a beast… finals were Daigo vs Kindevu… hella good match but Daigo is still the beast…

3s - Daigo vs KO again… too good… 3s seems to be the highlight of the last two years… best match and the crowd could not stop talkin about… Daigo vs Justin Wong… Daigo had no energy left… Justin Wong had like 10% both hella turtling… justin bust out a random super on daigo hoping to kill him on tick… DAIGO PARRIED all of Chun Li’s rushing leg super… jumps and parry the last hit in the air… and then comes down w/ j.rhk,,s.fp,dp,super and kills justin for the win… crowed was super crazy … too good

CvS2 - Kindevu!!! hehe too good… buk mad props to him too… DAN too crazy C-Ryu/Ken/Sagat all yellow… heh nothing really special… Choi vs Ricky was aight… Kindevu vs Ricky was aight… Kindevu broke ricky down and just went on winning… Daigo didnt make it at all here first losing to Raito1Beatdown from Canada then to Eddie Lee from NY… props to them… america is catching up

MvC2 - A TOTAL JOKE… no Seattle no one really good did anything here… Justin w/o breaking a sweat won this…



aight lates…


INITIAL D! :open_mouth:

POP’N MUSIC ASC! :open_mouth:

GG ISUKA! :open_mouth:

@____@ I come back for 2 minutes and I have so much to do!
that is exactly what this vid is

Did you guys film any Tekken 5?

to summarize his blog.

Day 1, Damn the registration, someone made a fool of himself, GSN is a dorky network, and I won with Raven with basic Tekken 3 BS.

Day 2, Quals were dope. JC was in the A bracket killed everyone he faced until he faced combo. Blocked at least all the mixup up Combofiend was doing with Bridget but still ended up losing. If he was in a different bracket, i think he could’ve made it to the winners.

Robin lost to RacerX’s Eddie, who’s by far not even close to his Eddie, but he lost anyway. Paul lost to Ken I’s Potemkin. And I lost to Kenji’s Anji. All and all good showing by everyone regardless of the results. Unfortunately Nick Campbell had 1 great player and 1 ok player in his bracket, and he lost fair and square and didn’t qualify. Tantin won 1 round, (woot woot) but lost in his bracket (practice up).

Good day for Rob in ST and CvS2 though. Went 4-0 in ST (Rob’s Honda is a beast, even though he’s not A beast). And came close to qualifying in CvS2 (how bad is that, he almost qual’d in a game he barely even touched). I should’ve qual’d in CvS2, but I didn’t (damn me for not playing and shit), but never had a chance in ST (they knew their shit more than I did obviously). Daigo lost to Eddie Lee (too good), then Ratio 1 Beatdown took out Daigo.

Big news, KinDevu is a crazy mofo, RF is a really quiet and hella nice dude., Daigo is still a beast, more smiles this time though, and worked with the crowed a bit. And Mui is HELLA FUNNY after he opened up, and I bet Daigo is too. Overall, good day for everyone onto the next day.

Day 3- The brackets are set and I don’t get a scrub. YAY, faces another top player, got owned, and was ousted. Wasnt that fun. After that I really didn’t even feel like doing anything anymore. What kind of a bull shit is that, but oh well I guess “I have to live with it.”. JC lost to the FLA Millia player, and Rob lost to a pad Johnny player. Paul won 1 match (glad he did) but was ousted by David Sirlin right after. Then after that we just ended up watching everyone’s matches. Japanese are too good in the game, like how US is too good in Marvel. But give it another year and we should be there.

Day 4- Tourney was set. SC2 Finals sucked balls, i don’t care, it sucked balls. TTT Finals was dope, was happy to see Ryan Hart from Britain win, and man that EWGF’s (x2) into the b,f 1, 2, 1 is INSANE. Too much damage. Then ST was awesome. Kuni showed how awesome Zangief is, and Choi almost had Daigo ; ; (one more year, one more year).

XX Finals came up, then I got to see Daigo beast. Beast to the left beast to the right, everyone says Mui’s Sol is better or KinDevu was going to win the tourney, but in the end, the Sol master prevails and Nipon’s no.1 Sol wins :D.

3S came, and OH EM GEE!!! That’s all I can say. If you wanna see it, come to Rob’s this weekend and see the footage. I can’t describe it in words. All i can say is too good.

CvS2 was cool, happy to see Americans up there. Justin got pwned by Dan, and Buk pwned RF, but lost to Ricky in losers quarters. Then Ricky took out Dan and Choi to play KinDevu, but lost it in the end ; ;. MvC2…Justin won.

Day 5 Today, got home, tried to play FFXI, crashed the game, and now I need my disks to reinstall it cause it’s being gay. Nothing I can do now, and I’m irritated. Yay, I did horrible in Evo and I go home with a fucked up game. I’m really happy now.


P.S. Bullshit!!


You get the imported 3S for PS2 in it’s ORIGINAL WRAPPING, never opened for only 50 dollars! JESUS THAT’S LIKE 20 DOLLARS LESS THEN I PAID FOR IT! X_X

What up guys I retire, maybe I’ll come back when T5 comes out until then I fuckin hate these games. Check out the cvs2 live GG’s thread.

HAHAHAHAHA :lol: I’m sorry Chris, I just can’t help myself from laughing. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA :lol:, instead of you seeing what happened to Rob to motivate you, you end up breaking your X-box and say you retire. You don’t officially retire, you retire from the lag spikes and no RC game. Come back to the arcade scene, it’s SO MUCH FUCKING BETTER. Seriously. Come back to the real game, where no 15 year old fucks will ever drop from you (unless they do what you pulled last time againts Suttie :smiley: ).



Chris; if you leave, that means it’ll always be Me vs. Nick Yacono in the finals of CvS2!

edit: I’m gonna hit up Initial D tommorow, anyone wanna go hang out and play it with me? Give my cellphone a call!


Play here no excuses.

Put #reload in the war cabs…with japanese style joysticks and buttons… no excuses =-P