I’d like to have an archive of everyone’s gamer tag on PSN/XBL so that the GGPO community doesn’t die. Post your tags and your GGPO/Supercade handle with it and I will update the main post with them. Also if you’d like to post what region you’re in to kind of nullify lag as much as possible I’ll add that next to your name. I will not add you to the list if you do not include your GGPO name.
Scidadle: PS3: Scidadle (Florida)
@DOUBLE CHILI FRIES: PS3: t1nm4n_v2 / 360: t1nm4n v2 (East Coast)
Winston Smith/Bloody_Parry: PS3: Romblax / 360: Romblax (France)
J.D: 360: TRUJD3S (Texas)
Counterhit: PS3: Counterhit_SRK / 360: Counterhit (Midwest)
Ha-Dou-Ken: 360: Hahadouken (Florida)
Duralath: PS3: Duralath (SoCal)
The Phantomnaut: 360: The Phantomnaut (NorCal)
pvp. tW34k - 360: ImakeigloosPat (Norway)
Metric: PS3: MetricLA (SoCal)
Hbombgosu: 360: hbombgosu (Chicago)
Dander: 360: dander420
Pedram_swe: 360: Try2HandleThis (Germany)
XxZenxX: 360: Dkegwarrior (UK)
mrdrofficer: 360: MrDrOfficer (Hawaii)
Wingen: PS3: EnterTheFist_
PattyBam: PS3: Pattybam (Toronto)
Agentz: PS3: agent000 (Tennessee)
Womble: 360: Womble Dewd/Womble_Dewd (UK)
F8isRIPPIN: 3 60: F8 YDG (New York)
NightoY/SBM: PS3: NightoY (France)
Muldoonite: PS3: Muldoonite (Midwest USA)
fohstick: PS3: fohstick (Central Canada)
Tryken: PS3: tryken 360: GentlemanTryken
kreichjr: 360: kreichjr (Austin, TX arcade UFO regular)
bmckay: 360: bmckay (Tumwater, Washington)
SoupyShoe: 360: SoupyShoe SRK (Texas)
kikimaru024/KOKiki: PS3: kikimaru024
Zementos: 360: J musashi (Germany)
EatEtEet: PS3: EatEtEet (Omaha, Nebraska)
TrueGunnerShadow: PS3: TrueGunnerShadow / 360: xTsurugiMinko (NYC)
Randumcat: PS3: Randumbcat (Norfolk, VA)
SeanxFayt: 360: SeanxRikkuxFayt (Lumberton, NC)
Sf3twelve: PS3: Professorpeabody (Sacramento, CA)
Cactuarlover: 360: Neo Cassherns (Chicago, IL)
Joezorz: 360: Joe621 (Washington)
Goten1986: 360: Little Goten (Texas)
Trippin/Sticktrainingstfu: 360: TrippinSix
xXMR.MSCXx: PS3: mscaprimed203 (South Carolina)
Rayartz: PSN: Rayartz (Indiana)
ParryAll: 360: ParryAll
ShinkuuHadouken: 360: Shinkuughadouken (Texas)
Riot Guard: PS3: RiotGuard
Graphic: PS3: njninja6
Jaemes: PS3: Jaemes (Toronto)
Onizuka1: 360: SoJazzed
PervyJin01: PS3: PervyJin
CrimzonWolf777: PS3: CrimzonWolf777 (Hampton, Virginia)
J Flo: 360: JFloCooGuy (San Diego, CA)
georam5: PS3: georam1 (NorCal)
Snaaaake: PS3: Snaaake718 (New York City)
GigasBreaker: 360: GigasBreakerJC
Debz55: 360: Depstar
DeliciousPanda: PS3: Osakaness
m1x4h: PS3: m1x4h (PA/NY)
Clue2025: PS3: Looptron3000 / 360: Looptron (PA)
kenuran: PS3: kenuran (Socal)
ThirdStrikeMan: Mr Battle28 (Socal)
Lyrical212: LyricalWhip
KPOPgirlband: KPOPgirlband (Pennsylvania)
NateMare/N88888888: Nate_Mare (New York)
Wuziq: Wuziq (Socal, apparently a boss)
Squiz: Squizalicious (New York)
Marcusg: Skillzdontexist (GA)
Sonic and Tails: Omnimon-X / 360: Asuka x Shinji
AgentOrange\CK: 360: CK442 (Sweden)
xsonicc: PS3: xsonicc (SoCal)
Abaddon: PS3: CheezBOX
Niji87: PS3: Niji87 (Illinois)
C1utch: PS3: Sziz
agony: PS3: ageha_stg [Germany]
Opeo: 360: Opeo (Long Island, NY)
GGPOmakoto: 360: Skatormss
Tea and Crumpets: 360: T and Crumpets (East Coast, USA)
Dreadz18x: 360: Dread Primetime (South Florida)
AsTheWorldBurns: 360: AsTheWorldBurns (NY)
Wil: PS3: Freelipino / 360: Hi-Risk (Hawaii)
Amarok: PS3: Doomy
Minato_EP: PS3: Izangi_XIII / 360: Rhapsody R
Tenrou: 360: Sasunac (Florida)
Deadacid: PS3: DEADACID
Bear Machine: 360: bear rug (Florida)
NoMoreFunland: 360: N0M0reFunland (Toronto, Canada)
SuperSamyon/Mr.Boo: PS3: SuperSamyon
Killing Moon: PS3: Kahl-One
Arkkai: 360: Arkkai srk (Mexico)
nars: PS3: gunthahunta / 360: billynarso (Hawaii)
Phantom_Angel: 360: PhantomSRK (NY)
Laughter 7: 360: Laughter 7 (Birmingham, UK)
obertor: 360: OnionMan X (Illinois)
Dangerous J: 360: subtleanarchist (Tampa, FL)
Ataconazi: 360: jailhousefrog89 (New York)
Tenren12: PS3: Tenren12 (SoCal)
ShinAkuma: PS3: ShinAkuma-204 / 360: ShinAkuma204 (Winnipeg, Canada)
Artayes: 360: SHD Artayes (Southern US)