Getting lost in the beat: Dee Jay Video Thread (front page updated 1/16/12)

A second video is coming tonight, hopefully you will like it as well.

that would be much appreciated Alex_C

I can try those in the future when my ingame execution gets better :stuck_out_tongue:

Since MoD1ns1d3 is making helpful videos my next video that i will do will talk about the whole U2 vs U1 debate.

Huh, never knew about the up kicks into ultra 2, thats interesting :stuck_out_tongue:

Awesome :tup:

Vid is up.

I abolutely love these vids Alex man. Love the mgu xx super especially. Keep them coming!


that is by far some of the sickest shit i’ve ever seen anyone do with the char. Mad props.

you didn’t watch my ex mgu dash ultra 2 video then sniffles

great video. its not easy to do. I most likely won’t be able to utilize the middle of the video in a fight.

Wasn’t sure where to put this but I will most likely be doing a live deejay stream Tuesday. Casuals from 2-10 eastern with some other good CT Players. I’m going to test the stream later today. It will not be HD. There will be dash and walk ultra depending how i’m feeling.

Thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated. I will have a SSF4 crack session today with some of my local friends, will record as many matches as possible and upload the best ones.

Great to hear, I’ll try and make sure to watch it :stuck_out_tongue:

Awesome, can’t wait

dweeb813 on

i know its laggy. i need better equipment.

You finally got it :stuck_out_tongue: and if we can tell what is going on, quality isn’t a huge issue.

stream works. tune in from 2-10 eastern tomorrow for casuals. i’m only using deejay

before my vids lose all relevance here are some more:




I don’t think so dude I’ll check it out but it’s nothing new. Always impressive when someone pulls that off though so good shit. Looking forward to seeing this stream though.

Alex is bringing some seriously fresh stuff here. I didn’t care much for the walk ultra on everybody. Maybe just a list of who it doesn’t work on would be better. Regarding mgu xx super. Was this cancelled really late or am I wrong? It kind of looked like it was a mashed mgu cancelled late into a super. That would make an easy hit confirm super if that was the case.

I also love the ex maxout juggle into upkicks. Is this only possible from a counter hit hp? I was trying for absolutely ages some time ago to do: ex mgu, ex maxout, upkicks in the corner and it would never connect.

Btw, Juri sounds Satanic when she’s getting beasted on in that video!

The video wasn’t just a video on how to do it but an explanation to help the last deejay players land it but not necessary. i did it tho lol

as for mgu super. you input it kind of early and it cancels before the last hit lands.

yep, it is mashed, and can be canceled before the last hit, it is pretty easy if you mash it, more time to finish the super motion, I wanted to just put a list, but having it on video is not a bad idea, and now that you mention it, it sure sounds kind of satanic.
I think the EX MGU, EX MaxOut. UpKicks does not work, I am pretty sure I tried it, but I will try it again.

So you must be building a new charge for the super during mgu right?

Nice vids threi. This thread needs more Hatrify vids and definately needs some more Takehiko. This guy benermac has quite a few of his vids. Just do a search for “dee jay” in his uploads

YouTube - bendermac’s Channel

Watched a few and didn’t even know about the channel actually, thanks canton :tup: