Living forever is just icing on the cake. Unless by some chance you get stuck in space or sent to the deep ocean with no escape, then that sucks.
Also I’ve always wondered if they used the Pillar Men as inspiration for Gill/Urien. They sure love to make characters that are inspired from the jojos series.
No immortality, just a hell of a lot of old guys in “Lamborghinis”. You get old because of your RNA tips deteriorating… So your mind and “consciousness” will get old, but we’ll be able to replace body parts willy nilly. You could probably replace parts of the brain, but I’m not sure what would happen to who you are and I’m pretty sure scientist are dying to know. Basically, what I’m saying is that the most likely scenario to result from these findings getting improved and industrialized for humans is: Old people in young bodies who will still have old people problems OR young looking people with or having high risks of getting old people genetic disorders. Nothing like hooking up with some sexy young thing with alzheimer’s.
Me either(and I think every single bit of our loss of scientific prestige was well deserved). However no worries, I’m sure that no matter what happens with us on the science front we’ll continue to believe we are top shit.
As long as it’s used for good and patients and such…
I’d hate to see a rich cunt be like ‘‘OO I wanna be smarter/stronger’’ and get past a line of cancer patients and such.
I knew we’d get here in my lifetime. It’s kinda scary to be honest.
I think the problem is there is a strong undercurrent of anti-intellectualism in america and way too much bullcrap reality tv shows like jersey shore. but i think this can be reversed with some kind of lofty goal, if even the motivations are suspect. for example, getting to the moon first. it was based on not letting the soviets get there first and being a non violent kind of arms race, but it still inspired a generation of scientists. so i think this development could just be that spark needed. lots of good shit can happen from this
anyway from what i’ve read, this technique works on mice, however my asian girlfriend tells me that stuff that works for mice often times does not work in humans. so it will be interesting thing to see if this will work on human stem cells as well.
“Embryonic stem cells, as their name suggests, are derived from embryos. Most embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitro—in an in vitro fertilization clinic—and then donated for research purposes with informed consent of the donors. They are not derived from eggs fertilized in a woman’s body.”
Materials used for research have to undergo some strict regulations to ensure their legitimacy and potency; therefore embryos gathered from abortions, which are probably tainted chemically or physically traumatized have no chance of being accepted.