Getting around the oldest trick in the book

I’ve been playing some SSFT2 lately and getting pwned. You know, i realized i never did know how to get around shoto characters. In the event of getting hadoken spammed and then jumping in only to eat a shoryuken, what was a counter tactic to this again? Lets say I play a lot of Guile and chun li and theres no way i’m going to win a projectile war. Ya >_< i know this ones old but it wasn’t until I picked up a game without dodge rolling (CvS2) or assists (MvC2) that I realized i didn’t know how to get around this. Haha, ya i suck but not for long I hope :lol:


That’s a good starting point to get the feel of the match for Guile. Of course, Muteki makes it look easy, since he can dodge fireballs like Neo dodges bullets in the Matrix. But yeah. If you want Chun Li help, just search for Otochun games where he’s fighting shotos or something like that.

If you have more specific questions, the character-oriented threads are a good place to ask…

I am not a guiile player but as a fast trick u can use on your advantage the faster recovery of the sonic: against shotos fire a sonic from inside the range of your uraken, if he answers with a adouken when the two shots dissolve each other u can recover faster and hit him with the uraken while he is still recovering from the adoken. Maybe some guile player will suggest u also more tricks but this is quite simple and it works well.