Getting absolutely destroyed in SSF4: AE

Hey guys

I’m pretty new to fighting games but I’ve always found them a lot of fun. Since USF4 was released relatively recently I thought I’d buy it. The game is a lot of fun but I’m getting absolutely DESTROYED like I have never gotten in any previous game before. I think I played 100 matches and won only 5. The people I play against usually have a lot more PP and BP (I’m not sure what they mean… ) so I don’t mind getting destroyed.

I play Ryu and have watched a few beginner videos on youtube but I usually don’t even get to do the simple combos like crouch mk + fireball. Usually I just get combo’d until I’m stunned and then get rekt and no matter how much I try to block they always hit me somehow.

I think it would help if I fought people around my level but I’m not sure if that’s possible. I haven’t found a matchmaking option that looks for people around my level (that is if the quick match option doesn’t already do that). I also play on an XBOX 360 controller which I heard was terrible but I don’t think that’s the problem. If the game really is almost unplayable on such a bad controller I’d be willing to spend a few bucks on a fighting stick as long as it’s not too expensive.

EDIT: I play on a PC so I don’t have ULTRA, sorry for the confusion.

I’m not an expert or a Ryu player but I’ll try give some basic tips. I can also tell you that SFIV in general is somewhat difficult for beginners
-Don’t jump unless you need to, because it leaves you open to attack. Dash if you want to gain ground
-Learn some of the basic moves like overheads and jabs etc. before you get into combos because for example you need to know what your overheads are because it works against your opponent when he/she is crouching. It’s not a high priority to learn combos in SF but it helps
-Go into Practice Mode to learn moves
-If you knock someone down, be prepared to block or you’ll get hit with a wake up attack like a Shoryuken

It’s definitely possible for you to fight people in Skill level, I get paired with the same or similar ranks all the time, (people still play AE right?) and also are you comfortable on your pad? You can’t pick up a stick and expect to be good straight away, It requires dedication and patience because you will hate using it if you’re unfamiliar with it if you’re new to it

I hope it helps because again I’m not much of an expert

I don’t want to be rude but is this the most popular website for SSF4 ? I was expecting more replies. I have checked out the newbie stickies and have still not read all of the information but I don’t see a lot of threads being created in this section of the forum.

Sir…you forgot to ask a question lol. Where would you like help?

Well I guess the questions aren’t that clear…

  1. Should I even bother with a XBOX 360 Controller on a PC or should I start with a stick?
  2. Is there a way to play against people on my level online or is there only the quick match option?
  3. Is it normal to play over 100 games and only win 5 for a beginner?
  4. Is Ryu a good char for a beginner or should I start with top tier characters like Yun, Akuma and Evil Ryu?
  5. Is this stick any good ?

Snake_Eyez uses pad and he made it to top 8 in EVO. Just something to keep in mind.

No haha looked like you just started a topic to express how bad you were :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. Should I even bother with a XBOX 360 Controller on a PC or should I start with a stick?

I personally have a hitbox-esque setup on my keyboard when I’m playing on steam:

Where Q/W/D/Space = Left/Down/Right/Up respectively and the numbers are punches and kicks, light to heavy. This is very similar to a “hitbox” arcade setup, costs nothing and is more accurate to an arcade stick experience than playing on pad, so it might act as a good acid-test. Nothing wrong with a pad either though, and plenty of players use them; they even hold advantages over a stick in some respects, such as silent inputs.

  1. Is there a way to play against people on my level online or is there only the quick match option?
    You’re right to use the “Similar Skill” setting like you have been so far. I’d also advise adding anyone as a friend who you come across that you feel is closer to your skill level. That was you’ll quickly build up a gallery of players to request battles with; I don’t think I’ve ever logged on, since doing that, without seeing other street fighter guys online. In addition, most of them “level up” at around the same speed once added. It’s a positive loop.

In addition, check out the SRK matchmaking thread:

Real-life, side by side gaming is undoubtedly the best way to learn, so if you have the time and the resources, head to your local club, you wont regret it.

  1. Is it normal to play over 100 games and only win 5 for a beginner?
    One of my most common posts in the Saikyo Dojo consists of reassuring players that the first 100 are a breaking in period. By now, you should have polished out most of your mashiness, gotten a good grasp of what Ryu can do in terms of Ultras, Supers, Specials and Command Moves and gotten confident at trying out different approaches in different matchups. The fact that you’ve found you way onto SRK is a good indication that you’re getting there. Next step if trying the Ryu subforum and following any of the numerous Ryu guides on youtube, on SRK and in the newbie stickies. CrossCounter and Beyond Technical both had solid Ryu guides, off the top of my head.

  2. Is Ryu a good char for a beginner or should I start with top tier characters like Yun, Akuma and Evil Ryu?
    Ryu is widely considered the epitome of a beginner character in almost every SF game he features in, SSFIV included. The majority of players learn Ryu before moving onto other characters. I’d wager that there’s more beginner guides for Ryu out there than all other characters combined.

Yun is a level up I’d say; give Ryu a chance while you’re grasping footsies, breaking into your supers/ultras and basic fundamentals, but Yun is undoubtedly viable. Akuma is a great character to learn with, due to the sheer mass of tools (teleports, air hado’s, red hado’s, divekicks etc) that he has to hand, however he has low life and a low stun factor, meaning he can be very frustrating to a beginner, despite all his shiny toys. Evil Ryu is often the graduation step for Ryu players, particularly if you move onto Ultra. Similar to play with, likewise, in AE, I think his Stun and Health are lower, but he combats that with hella damage and long, frustrating, flashy combos that can really push an opponent around. A basic shoto like Ryu is a good starting block, before moving onto E. Ryu.

  1. Is this stick any good ?

I’d say the Brawlstick is great value for money and severely underrated. Judging by the link you’re in europe, which also makes it one of the easiest to get hold of (for a good price). As a first stick, don’t bother with second hand and don’t bother with cheap. Check the stickies in tech talk for a buyers guide.

on the discussion on pad vs stick I believe its mostly subjective, but not entirely. Some characters are easier on stick than on pad (Chun Li), some characters are easier on pad (Zangief) but you can definitely do either or. I think most people dont like the 360 controller though,

I think it’s the irritatingly numb disc that it has for a d-pad. Maybe something with a SNES style cross, or individual directions, like the Razer Onza might serve players better.

Always got this a a half-way-house too:

The thing is, most of these pads cost as much a an alright beginner stick (€ 60 - 80). And I don’t know why but I feel like I would do so much better with a stick than a pad. Should I follow my instincts or is it normal for newbies to feel like stick is easier? I know I wont get better by using a stick but I have the feeling I’ll be able to execute most of the commands more precisely. Right now I find myself doing an ex shoryuken instead of super/ultras all the time because of the shitty pad on the controller or jumping when I want to dash or walk forward which results in me getting punished and losing 20% of my hp. I actually hate the pad so much I use the analog stick which is a lot better but I feel like I’m a lot slower.

If you think it’s for you, jump on with that brawlstick. It’s a good starter stick. They’re pretty easy to mod too, so if you find yourself wanting more out of it, as you improve, you’ll have little to no issue upgrading the buttons and stick, rather than shelling out on another one.
I’ll warn you now; you’ll still have execution issues on a stick at first too, so don’t be discouraged. Practice mode with input display on is the remedy for most.

Hint: When asking questions, use question marks. :smiley:

  1. Although pad is certainly a reasonable option, I’d personally stay the hell away from the 360 controller. It’s just garbage for fighting games. Stick is fine of course, but if you’d rather spend less money, consider a pad that’s more fighting game friendly. Check tech talk for advice on hardware.
  2. Sort of. You can select “match my skill” or something like that in options, but it honestly doesn’t work that well.
  3. Yes. If you were playing against good people, you wouldn’t even win one.
  4. Ryu is fine.
  5. Go check the “what stick should I buy” thread in tech talk. It has reviews for all the major brands/makes.

Good luck!

“If you want to play SFIVAE, get a fighstick. You don’t need a gamepad or razer onza. It’s harder to 920 uber daigo-combo, it’s harder to link, and in fact, you don’t need any gimmicky controllers to play SFIVAE. Buy a fightstick. Buy a fightstick.”

I’ve not played on PC since Ultra was released on console (waiting for PC release) but I know on console things got a bit harder for beginners, with the points reset even the good players often still had low BP/PP, so chosing ‘same skill’ often didn’t mean much, also it was generally only the more keen players (ie better players) who upgraded to Ultra. Once the phyiscal release happens next month I daresay more new players will appear and even the field a bit…

Are you being ironic? Also wth is with the picture lol

Yea I actually didn’t realise Ultra wasn’t even out on PC until about 2 hours after I created this thread. What you say makes sense though, I better prepare for August then :wink:

Yea there are some great stickies in this forum. I actually got the idea of getting the brawl stick from the stick thread you mentioned.

I watched the CrossCounter guide on YT yesterday and that blew my mind! I didn’t think a fighting game could be this complex. I definitely learned a lot of cool tricks thanks for the suggestion, I had not found the guide before on YT.

Haha Ryu is just the tip of the iceberg. Welcome to Street Fighter - it owns you now haha.

Yes. I wanted Biden in this thread but didn’t know how to make it work. I figured 920 uber combo is something he’d say.

  1. i say stick but if your more confortable with pad go for it.
  2. Set 2 similar skill.
  3. lol when i first started i lost 90% of the time you will get better.
  4. ryu’s probably best for a beginner.
  5. Not gonna lie looks kinda crappy, but you never know.
  1. Whatever you feel comfortable with, if you plan on going to stick, practice with it, it takes time adjusting
  2. (Answered Already)
  3. If that’s happening, you need to figure out what’s wroing with your game, watch your replays and see how you can fix your mistakes
  4. Ryu/Ken are good beginner characters. Yun is alright after you get the hang of the game. I wouldn’t recommend E. Ryu and Akuma because they have low health
  5. You should read this on deciding what stick you want. What Stick/Controller Should I Buy? Read the Guide on Pg 1 Before Posting In my opinion, I say save up for a good stick like a Madcatz TE if you really need one, otherwise if you just want to try using a stick, then the Brawlstick is good enough for what it’s worth I guess

I’m pretty new to fighting games but I’ve always found them a lot of fun. Since USF4 was released relatively recently I thought I’d buy it. The game is a lot of fun but I’m getting absolutely DESTROYED like I have never gotten in any previous game before. I think I played 100 matches and won only 5. The people I play against usually have a lot more PP and BP (I’m not sure what they mean… ) so I don’t mind getting destroyed.

I just came back into the fighting arena myself. Capcom vs SNK 2 was the last game I had dedicated any decent time into. SFA3 was the last Street Fighter I was any good at. I dropped out for whatever reason and now found my interest in playing SF has peeked again. I’ve been playing SSFIVAE on my PC for a couple of months now and probably average about the same as you in wins. I try not to pay attention to the BP and PP because it can be manipulated. I raised my higher by having several matches come my way where the person I was playing against was just wailing on punches and kicks.

  • I play Ryu and have watched a few beginner videos on youtube but I usually don’t even get to do the simple combos like crouch mk + fireball. Usually I just get combo’d until I’m stunned and then get rekt and no matter how much I try to block they always hit me somehow.*

** I play Akuma and get this a lot more since he is easier to dizzy. I take my lumps and just approach these matches as a learning experience. I try to figure out what I can do to prevent the combos. I have been finding that it is usually because I left myself open in some way.**

  • I think it would help if I fought people around my level but I’m not sure if that’s possible. I haven’t found a matchmaking option that looks for people around my level (that is if the quick match option doesn’t already do that). I also play on an XBOX 360 controller which I heard was terrible but I don’t think that’s the problem. If the game really is almost unplayable on such a bad controller I’d be willing to spend a few bucks on a fighting stick as long as it’s not too expensive.

EDIT: I play on a PC so I don’t have ULTRA, sorry for the confusion.*

I play on my PC as well. I’ve been using a stock controller for my PC (Playstation design) and it works pretty well, although I do have a fight pad ordered and in the mail as I write this. I play under the same name as on here, Akumafan1, if you want to play a few rounds.