Getting a TE2 soon. Need it dual modded and custom artwork

Like i said im buying a 360 TE2 in the next couple of weeks and i need it Dual modded for 360 and ps3. I also would like custom artwork button/balltop colors. Sanwa of course.

This is the how i want the stick done. Except for everywhere that you see purple, i want black. Buttons, Balltop, sides ect.
If your interested and reputable and have done mods for other members pm me with an estimate and lets get this done. Like i said itll be a cpl weeks before i get the stick so no rush. This stick is from a custom template thread found here

Where are you located ? - and are you ordering plexi from art ? and who’s doing your custom art work ?

My suggestion is, buy all your materials, Chimp/MC Cthulhu (imp board if needed), buttons, stick (or just ball top if you like the stock madcatz one), and then look at the thread for “find a modder in your area” check their feedback, or whatever, and get hoppin. Some modders will stock a few items, but will charge a premium for them, and they should!

good luck =)