Get Dizzy: The Vertigo Thread

I have to go back 20 years before finding something good that he’s written? That’s nuts.

Anyone ever read House of Mystery? The recent Vertigo relaunch. That was written by Bill Willingham too. First issue is about a girl that has sex with a giant fly and dies when their kids are born and the maggots burrow out her back.

Classy stuff.

Yeah, but is it good? Book report, bub, gimme a book report.

I read the first 3 issues before it became too much of a burden on my wallet. I was a little confused by the bar scenes, is that part of the original series as well?

read Y the last man and LOVED it.

halfway through Fables and Preacher at the moment

and lovin those too

Vertigo rules

Why did I have no clue about this?! I’m ashamed!

Yeah, I’ve never read it, but Diggle sounds like he’s pretty hype for it which is surprising.

The Losers was a very good series. It was another one of those books where I think it was canceled earlier than it was supposed to end, but overall, it’s a strong piece of work even if the concluding storyarc seems rushed. Most of the art was by Jock, so the design sense and panel-to-panel storytelling was off the hook. Even the guest artists generally did a great job. I’d recommend it.

A friend turned me on to it. Said it would give me my “Bullets” fix inbetween waiting for 100 Bullets. :rofl: Job well done indeed. I almost didn’t want it to end. :sad:

Thoughts on how the movie might turn out?

(Side note: :rofl: @ 100 Bullets and “Get Dizzy” being the title of the Vertigo thread)

Never let it be said that I don’t try to be punny.

I don’t know much about The Losers movie, other than it’s in development. It seems like something that would be tough to screw up for film - my main worry is that it’ll just end up looking like any other generic thriller/action flick.

I would really like to read it, because I adore the current Thunderbolts book. I think once Diggle leaves, I’m dropping it. It’s that goddamn good.

You shouldn’t Jeff Parker is taking over

Uhura is Aisha in a Losers movie, which I didn’t even know was being made until today?

That is some crazy news.

EDIT: And Stringer Bell is in this movie!?!

Damn, I’ve never read anything by him, but your confidence encourages me.

Try Agents of Atlas you’ll see why i’m confident

Read the first issue of Shade, The Changing Man here. It’s my favorite comics series. They’re doing a new printing of the first TRADE, BABY that should be out next month, and a volume 2 has been announced. Hopefully they’ll have TRADES, BABY for the whole thing. I’d still buy 'em even though I have all the issues.

Morrison new Vertigo book in January

Written by Grant Morrison
Art by Sean Murphy
Cover by Sean Murphy
Having an overactive imagination can get a kid through a lot, but it doesn?t change the facts: Joe?s still the kid in school that can?t fit in. He?s the victim of bullies. His dad died overseas in the Iraq war. And then there?s the Type 1 diabetes he has to live with.
So is it insulin-deprived delirium or something much, much bigger that transports Joe to a land inhabited by all his toys ? from ninja commandos to action robots to magical knights to star fleet captains? Is Joe really the savior of this wild fantasyland that?s been held under siege by dark magic and evil forces? With the help of a samurai rodent, is he ready to take back besieged castles and win the freedom of an oppressed people? Or is he just an over imaginative boy who could die if he doesn?t take his meds?
White-hot writer Grant Morrison follows up his phenomenal BATMAN AND ROBIN with an epic adventure that?s Home Alone by way of Lord of the Rings accompanied with to-die-for art by future superstar Sean Murphy (YEAR ONE: BATMAN/SCARECROW, HELLBLAZER).
On sale January 20 ? 1 of 8 ? 32 pg, FC, $1.00 US ? MATURE READERS

Fables #91 which came out today was not only great (i’m so happy the series is back being delicious again)
It also had a preview of Morrison’s new book Joe the Barbarian now i guess more Vertigo books will have this preview but since right now Fables is the only series i read monthly well…
As for the series i still don’t know what to think about it but it’s Morrison so ill pick it up when its coming out

You can read the first issue of Milligan’s Human Target miniseries here:

One of my favorite series. That first page is unforgettable:

“Who am I? I am a reputation. I am a grainy photograph with dark bullet holes instead of eyes. I am a severed penis stuffed in a dying mouth. I am a person you come to if you want someone dead.”

Milligan is talented at writing catchy first pages that just draw you in. The first page of the first issues of Shade, X-Force, and most of his other Vertigo stuff all have excellent openings.

No idea how the new TV series is going to turn out, but Human Target is one of the best Vertigo series of the decade. If it hadn’t been canceled prematurely, it’d be right up there with 100 Bullets, FAAAAAAAAAABLES!!!11!, and Y: The Last MAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!1!11! I guess with the new show coming out, DC’s finally gonna get off their asses and start reprinting the TRADES, BABY.

Morrison new book this week Joe The Barbarian

I didn’t even know there was going to be a Human Target tv series. I don’t know who’s involved but downloading it right now.