Here ya go.
Here ya go.
Okay so is breaking in and being a half naked rapist bum something that’s only exclusive to white burglars?
Looks like the lady was playing Metal Slug 3.
Hit to the face with a .38 (a slow bullet from a low pressure cartridge) isn’t fatal unless the bullet hits thin part of the skull. If it’s the cheek the the bullet just hits thick, solid bone. Hit to the neck still needs the bullet to cut a carotid artery. Depending on the gun, the bullet may not have been traveling fast enough to expand (especially if she was using a snub nosed revolver).
she didnt slide into him while he was down so he recovered
Survivors ftw…
How is stating a simple fact based upon my own experiences racism?
Did I say every black person is a criminal? Not at all, but you seem to have taken it as such.
See, this is the proper way to respond. Show me something I don’t see on the news around here. Well done angelpalm.
White women shooting black men full of lead seems like something that’d be a gun nut’s wet dream.
I suppose that depends on what “your own experiences” refers to. Perhaps I misunderstood you.
Maybe you didnt say all black people but you DAMN SURE made it seem like “so many” of us are.
Forensic psychologists are keenly aware that mass killers tend to be younger adults, white, male, and educated.
That said, mass killings almost never happen, so there’s not much point in drawing that comparison.
Nigga quit getting butthurt, You know for a fact a good deal of the time someones house has been broken into they’re Black, don’t even front. It’s why I cross my fingers and say “please don’t be black!” over ad over again in violent crime threads, because they are always fucking black, which is a shame, but it’s the truth. If you were being honest with yourself and stopped trying to baby black people, you would realize this, and start calling us out on our bullshit.
My own experiences referring to the news I’ve seen around here. No more, no less.
As far as me making DAMN SURE that things SEEM one way, let’s be honest, the media and mainstream rap do a great job of that all on their own.
Do you remember a time when rap had a message? I do, then 2pac died and everything turned to ego stroking bullshit.
Now then, let’s have a moment of reflection and a reality check.
Also, I can’t be racist, some of my best friends are white.
if you live in area where most of the poor people are black then most of the criminals will be black. if you live in an area where most of the poor people are white then the most of the criminals will be white. granted some of you are dumb as shit, i feel like you should be able to draw some reasonable conclusions here.
You GROSSLY overestimate the lethality of handgun rounds. People have been shot more times than this with larger calibres and lived. If anything, she used ball or FMJ ammo.
Remember, a handgun is not a rifle. Handgun bullets are tiny and basically have to hit something vital to cause real damage.
Nope. Im not butthurt. Im not babying black people. Im just tired of having to feel the way you seem to be ok with feeling about it. Im being hoenst with myself, you, and everyone else that reads this when I say that I dont like feeling like I should be ashamed to be black because some other black guy did something stupid.
You know what? After you replied to me initially, I went back and re-read what you posted. I misunderstood you there. My bad for calling you an idiot. Clearly I was mistaken. It really came off like you were doing the “it’s ok to look down on dark people because this happened” thing. Again, my mistake.
You’re 100% right here, but to be honest, I don’t care about what people are saying in rap. The message makes no difference to me. You can be talking about tacos, but as long as you actually sound good on the mic; i.e have that presence, I like it. Having said that, there hasnt been very many people with that presence for well over a decade. Rap sucks today.
I’m not gonna lie, this is pretty goddamn funny.
Perhaps he was 50 cent’s cousin?
Seriously. The rise of meth means that now someone from nearly any background can be as dangerous as the stereotypical crack fiend. But for whatever reason, it seems I come across way more white meth attics than any other race.
Yousee you’re reading to fucking deep, no one said “Black people should be ashamed to be black” He basically was pointing out how most of the time B&E are black people, just like how most Mass Shootings are white and asian. And you are getting butthurt, you wouldn’t have called anyone stupid if you weren’t.
Good for her. I wish they would cut off his hands now.
Haha ok dude
Good point. There have been three attempts from people trying to break into my house and each time I had to physically confront them and run them off. All three times they were white meth heads and one of them actually pulled a knife on me (fun).
Of course I live about 15 minutes away from a notorious neighborhood called “methTown”… hurray.