As a noob to 3s. I played it in college but played it very wrong. What would be the main thing that one needs to perfect to at least play well?
Same thing as with any fighting game. Just go slowly.
- Block
- Practice
- Pick 2 characters you like, only play those and learn the matchups.
- Don’t jump around foolishly
- Don’t wakeup SRK/Super every chance you get.
- Don’t try to parry everything on wakeup.
- Don’t try to do random things without a plan behind it. Landing random attacks may get you the round, but not the experience.
- Don’t play against people who don’t challenge you/ don’t play against people who are way better than you. Play against people who are slightly better so you can set an attainable goal of beating them.
- Don’t try and parry every super because you can.
- Don’t do unverified supers.
- Do make friends with people who are better than you.
- Do study Youtube and the plethora of 3rd Strike resources available.
- Do avoid feeding trolls
- Don’t worry about online ranking.
- Do participate in tournaments
- Do participate in lobbies.
- Do learn option selects
- Do learn how to x2 short into super.
- Never give up.
- Never surrender.
hard to find matches online. still struggling with that. also a lot of people already have huge d/c percentages. anybody think the smooth and crisp filters are reversed?
Huge D/C percentages are because they haven’t played enough games and are probably getting D/Ced because of traffic.
I would argue that meaningless, throw-away content like that is the perfect DLC; I agree it’s not something we should get charged for, but if Capcom is hell bent on charging us .99 for something, might as well be something nobody cares about.
It’s out for those who dont know
Downloading now.
i might buy this on my dusty ps3 just so i can play today, cant imagine waiting through another day of responsibilities when i thought i could play all day today.
Wait what are you talking about? Dip switches are already in the game. They are right in the options menu (Along with a variable GGPO delay option).
Stop trying to parry stuff. Learn to play the game 1st, and then you’ll “know” when to try a parry.
It’s a time saver DLC, I guess. Cause dipswitches are unlockable by beating the game with all the characters. But it is a new low for money grubbing capcom…PAY TO WIN.
Is spectator mode in? It BETTER fucking be there. D:
Gamespy? That would explain so much if there are any online problems.
Blazblue did this for Mu (unlockable) and the boss versions of other characters (also unlockable) o_O
You can unlock them or pay a dollar to unlock them.
seems like a lot of green connections in searches turn yellow or red once in the lobby. also i can’t figure out how to make lobbies with less than 8 people. feel bad for weaker players. and i guess your ready status gets reset once its your turn and you have to toggle it again.
seems impossible to parry on a ps3 controller
I am now worried as all hell for the online for this after the gamespy logo popped up.
I’m going to lose my shit if the GGPO code on the PC is better than an actual full blown port.
could someone tell me what a dipswitch is >?
whats gamespy and why does that worry people?