Gen FADC help.

What? I was saying:

crane j.hp > mantis > >hp hands FADC > >lk (hk) gekiro

Which does 345 damage, I was not talking about any FADC combo in general. I don’t use the > s.hp gekiro link online because the timing is way off usually (depending on who I play). If I ever even do a FADC combo (rarely) online, I do the into gekiro variation because it feels alot easier to me online.

@ catscratch

Fair enough, but I have no problems getting damage in based on footsies, like I said I think Gen’s super is probably my favorite tool. I don’t like wasting 2 bars based on a presumption that my opponent* might* not block the follow-up pokes…personal preference.

Right. Still doesn’t change the fact that it’s pretty much the worst possible variation of a “jump-in FADC combo”. Of course you feel like those 2 bars go to waste if that’s the best you can do when the opportunity rises.

Right. You can easily FADC xx hands on reaction, no guessing involved. But then again I guess you’re talking about online or something like that.

Man, this thread kinda reminds me of this.

Are you implying that I cannot do the combos you mention and that is why I say this? I’m not going to get into these high school antics with you, sorry.

warlike, i think its worth perfecting just based on the fact that it can win you a round.

like in a situation where you dont want to waste your whole bar, but still want to get maximum dmg from a poke or whatever

the whole meter saving prefrence will vary from player to player, but there are advantages to being able to do it in clutch situations.

im a bit undecided as to which way is more effective. saving meter for supers, or burning it early in rounds and going for the super later

It may be a good idea to sometimes do FADC -> st.LP -> kara throw after a hands combo. It works really good when they least expect it.

Okay this is my take on FADCing and pretty much the majority of how people express how gen should be played.

Anyone who plays another character could come in and figure out how 99% of gen players play by how most of the posts are don’t do this, do that and only that. In almost every angle that Gen has there are so many people who say ONLY do this. What we need to be doing is looking at things from multiple angles. So many people say “go for straight damage, don’t mix it up with resets” you know what if every gen didn’t do anything that was some what risky at some point, Gen would be probably lower than he is rated. Even doing an air to air then dashing under, then either trying to throw, or use a normal to open up a combo is super risky. I think people need to start looking at what is risky and 100% totally unsafe.

Like, throwing a random oga for no reason vs a character that you shouldn’t be doing it vs. and doing the ceiling drop. That is mindless and unsafe.

Compared to something like super, s.MP reset, crane s.MP overhead. It’s risky, but it mixes it up. What we need to do is pool together every option gen has, then use them when we feel we can. I’ll give credit to some of you as you do back up your talk. I had mentioned before that we need to start talking a grain of salt with some peoples comments as they might not have time to write a huge paragraph. But in my opinion I think we need to just stop being so damn negative, and start focusing on what he can do and what are the risks. Then leave it up to each player to choose when to use it and how. Sometimes I don’t even feel like reading half of the posts because sometimes every is bickering. Sorry that’s my rant.

oh just to add, street11. If I use FADC usually I’ll hit confirm with like c.LK, or a jab then throw or continue the block string or combo.

That reminds me of something, some Japanese Gen player put a post on how Gen has 3 types of playstyle, and that most players have a mix of these 3:

  1. The type that uses Mantis normals a lot to keep opponents away and maintain a solid style. Most of the meters go to FADC.
  2. The type that uses Crane normals and Ogas a lot to mindf*ck the opponent and maintain a risky style. Most of the meters go to EX Gekiro after getting knocked down.
  3. The type that gets a full Super and Ultra meter then go for that random crane cr.LK of greed.

This is a just a summary, but the full post made me laugh.

Anyways, I agree with you messiah. If Gen goes for solid damage all the time, he may lose to the opponent in terms of damage building, which can have effect on his low health. Sure resets are risky (heck normals like crane s.MP itself is risky, punishable by SRK on block), but can make opponents confuse a lot, and that’s what we (or I) usually want. Resets are super effective when the opponent is used to your non-resetting combos.

If I get to FADC, I usually go for s.MP -> s.MK xx LK gekiro for the comfiness of the combo and for that inch of an extra meter. If my combo is long however (eg. focus crumple -> s.MP -> s.MP -> s.MK -> hands -> FADC) I might go for jab -> throw or jab -> s.MP -> crane s.MP overhead (something I learned from Rokotsu’s video).

I used to be pretty much a ‘balls of the walls risk everything I’ve got’ (gen) player. But I found a good balance, my main focus is on my footsie game. In my opinion that is the essence of Gen, you cannot win a match against Zangief by using resets twice, or doing an Oga (unless it is a cross-up oga). We are lucky to have so much tools anyway, I was playing Viper the other day and I was actually kind of bored because of her lack of (traditional) combos/footsies!


FADC jab>>crane overhead?! For the surprise factor I reckon? I remember doing a oga reset yesterday and I did overhead when I got to the other side, pretty fun stuff.

Yea, it’s for surprising opponents for sure. Like to players who had played 10 matches straight against me.

Also my main focus is on neutral jump, Oga, roll, throw, random LK Gekiro and crane c.MK&c.HP. Shiz look cool.

I would like contribute, the way to cancel the first hit on hands as you know it’s been discuss earlier, but nobody got it right, the way to do it is holding forward do the first four inputs, then at the fifth input you press forward and mp+mk+ hp (at the same time), if you do it right, this is the fastest way possible to cancel first hit hands, your opponent will be on blockstun if he blocks or hitstun if he got hit. For instance cr. mp+hands, the way I do it is: down-forward, mp,lp,lp,mp, forward (mp+mk+hp). The important is the last input (forward+mp+mk+ lp or hp), 'cause the last input would determine the intensity of hands (lp or hp).

Guys, I know there is a video about how Xian do it (, but it is wrong 'cause that method do not allow you to do it consistenly, I am pretty sure that Xian do not use that, because he do it flawless.

This method also works with mk, hands, you do the exact same ending.

I messed up my explanation, what I meant was forward, mp, lp, lp, mp, (forward hp plink with mp+mk).