Gen doesn't seem nearly as bad as people make him out to be

If she’s whiffing she’s doing it wrong lol…

True that, lol!
Sometimes it feels as Seth implied, that Gen isn’t really about winning, but instead some sort of half-Dan, just with more style and payoff.

Catscratch was completely spot on.

the removal of his low jump during mantis stance is the biggest deal for me.

His meter building was the worst nerf by far.

I still don’t understand why they did that. It seems like they just wanted to piss on his grave.

Honestly the biggest laugh i get is the changes to gekiro. How it often looks like hp xx lk gekiro BARELY combos and how hk gekiro will straight up WHIFF up close on many characters.

The timing is weird as hell too most of the time, like you’ll do c.lp lk gekiro and it takes a full second for your opponent to be scooped up by the gekiro…sometimes meaning it won’t combo :expressionless:

So ive been playing Gen again.

I dropped from 4000 pp to 2800 today in ranked. After this hiatus of mine it has become all the more clear how bad Gen really is. Facing a ryu with top notch spacing and anti-airing seems pretty much impossible to defeat with Gen compared to most other characters. He just lacks that ‘oompfh’ that other characters have. He is basically has no real style except for footsies +poking against high level opponents, because you won’t be able to jump in. Oga is useless as hell if your opponent knows what’s up unless you do a cross-up oga setup. Granted my combos were lacking after not playing Gen since early June, but I really hope Capcom realizes Gen’s situation and actually does something about it this time.

His poking game isn’t really as good as people seem to think he is compared to other characters. The lack of range and frame speed mixed with lack of damage off his pokes don’t make him that great of a poking character.

new mantis jump is garbage.

That’s not to say I won’t pull through with Gen, after playing several other characters these months such as C.viper and Seth I’ve come to realize Gen is the only one I truly enjoy and love.

His pokes are decent-ish but when going up against a Chun-li that has a good understanding of footsies it is definately a bitch to pull a win. I’m just hoping it won’t be long untill we get some information on AE Gen revisions/changes and in the meanwhile I will keep playing him. I honestly feel the biggest advantage Gen has is the fact nobody really knows the match-up 90% of the time allowing you to get away with stuff you shouldn’t get. I’m glad your back btw, messiah.

dont forget that Gen doesn’t have a good follow-up to his pokes that will close the distance. so many characters with good poke range also have a good option select that can close the gap or ground the opponent.

i actually miss the old sMK range more than his old mantis jump

in vanilla i felt like there was almost nothing to be afraid of on the ground playing footsies, i feel a lot weaker now… maybe its just an impression

i got used to the jump but still not to his new sMK

This for sure. I lost a lot of confidence in in Super, and in general I find footsies against characters like Abel, Rose and many others to be waaaay more difficult than before. With worse footsies it’s harder to resist jumping sometimes, for me anyway.

Mantis jump on the other hand, hasn’t bothered me very much. If anything, it has helped his A2A game in mantis. Don’t get me wrong though, the shorter one was definitely better.

standing mk range is still good, but his new mantis jump is so easy to react to and anti air right now

Honestly this is true… although it’s cute they have different properties bu the fact that m. kick and h. kick gekiro whiff in combo’s unless Gen’s head is buried in their chest is ridiculous.

The thing with Gen is you must completely outplay your opponent if you play an opponent of equal skill… you’ll lose most of the time because they have Invincble moves while Gen has ultra’s you can jab him out of.

But GEn is still the illest and funniest character in the game.

Honestly i’m happy with the gekiro buffs in super. Shit was straight useless in vanilla outside of the occasional wtf? moment.

With any character you have to outplay your opponent. Stop thinking gen is different from any other character in this regard.

some of you guys are ridiculous.

its never your own fault for losing. always the character. in fact if you played someone “higher on the tier list”, you would be dominant

couldnt be that you need to understand your spacing better so you stop being out played on the ground. its not like gens sweep reaches like half a damn screen or anything, or like his mid range normals are among the fastest/best priority in the game, or like he has half screen range on his focus attack

i mean, its not like any one of the top tier characters is weak on wake up

also, there couldnt be any way around fireballs that dosent involve jumping around like a dumbass

hey, maybe we should never ask how to get around different characters strategies, or see if someone else has a better idea. in fact you already know everything there is to know and couldnt possibly learn anything from anyone.

why is there even a gen forum? the fuck is discussion? gen bitching fest is more like it

its waaaaaaayyyy easier to just act like a bunch of bitches and cry until capcom decides to fix your problems for you


i wish i could blow up the sea of useless gen forum threads and posts and start off fresh with a place where we actually try to figure things out. where we dont respond to advice, or give advisc like we invented the character at home one weekend

i mean, i know im not a gen master, but i at least know where to place the blame when i take a loss

I’m certainly curious on how to get around fireballs without jumping. If you could enlighten me on this, I would be grateful. I would like the options to have two things: 1. Does it on reaction (provided the reaction is pretty fast), 2. Hits the opponent. No I’m serious on this, not sarcastic. Currently all I know is focus dash on mid-screen and jumping, which becomes yet another guessing (since EX hits twice and jumping on reaction gets blocked).
