I’ve never bothered to check the Geese section even though I play him, so I’ll make a post of K-Geese combos, set ups, and strats that I use: (some may be repeated or old stuff since I don’t check wiki either except for the frame data)
dmg calculations were done on P-Geese vs P-Kyo
c.jab/s.short, s.fierce xx jaieiken (mk): 3600/3800dmg 36/38stun
my choice of BnB and punisher. I prefer the c.jab over the s.short since I get the option of JDing before my jab comes out if my opponent decides to whiff and attack
c.jab, s.fierce xx reppukken (mp): 2700dmg 27stun
guard string I use that takes 1/3 of your guard away, its also safe hit or block unlike some other strings that can be used
crossup j.mk, s.short x2, c.mk xx deadly rave xx s.short, s.fierce xx jaieiken (mk): 9548dmg 68stun
just 2 points from being able to stun 70 targets, of course if you didn’t hit confirm off a cross up just replace the s.short x2 with jabs
c.jab/x2, c.rh xx raging storm: 6900/7200dmg 17/20stun
mr. fancy here with this combo. the single c.jab is anywhere while the 2 jabs are against the wall only, as for “fatter” char specific pixels I’m not going to sit down and test it
j.rh, s.short, c.fierce xx jaieiken (lk): 4850dmg 48stun
stun punisher combo, enough said. it doesn’t work on small pixeled char’s. take out s.short and change to s.fierce xx jaieiken (mk), that links on any char. and j.fierce for the tall char’s.
s.short x2/c.jab x2, c.jab, c.rh xx reppukken (mp): 2700/2300dmg 27/23stun
c.jab x2, c.mk xx reppukken (mp): 1600dmg 16stun
c.jab, c.short xx double reppukken: 2300dmg 23stun
c.mk xx double reppukken: 2600dmg 26stun
c.jab, c.mk xx reppukken (mp): 2300dmg 23stun
a bunch of variations of combos to use when not using his higher dmg/punisher combos
the combo I put in bold that I use is specific since it is only safe against P/K-groovers with no bar and doesn’t have an attack that puts them in the air like Blanka ball, Cammys cannon spike, Sagats tiger knee, etc. that hits you. but it only gets to this if you’ve abuse this too much trying to break that guard.
as for the one above it, never EVER finish it off with the c.rh and further more into the reppukken as a guard string. worst idea you can ever do as a Geese player since you become subjective to a lot more possible punishment compared to the combo in bold.
counterhit c.jab is his best friend since after you get the counterhit you have a choice of c.mk xx deadly rave or c.mk xx jaieiken (lk) if your not raged. you could set up for a counterhit from c.jab x2 stand/walk up c.jab counterhit combo finish or if he doesn’t budge then finish it with c.mk xx reppukken (mp).
next to a corpse set up for a meaty lj.mk crossup into c.short, c.jab, c.mk xx deadly rave. if the corpse is in the corner but not against it run/walk up to the corpse to bait out an attack for a free JD into grab/combo, or do an ambiguous crossup that whiffs so your opponent is left standing up so you can hit them with a c.short, c.fierce xx jaieiken (lk) after that continue with a guard string if they aren’t the antsy type or small jump for a kick throw and reset the situation for a different mix up. after a kick throw against the wall people tend to forget Geese takes a step back to throw them leaving room for a crossup or small jump to the corner for another kick throw/combo/tick throw back into the corner. by now your opponent is probably pissed for eating 3 kick throws after 1 kd situation, after the 3rd/2nd throw attempt to bait a super/dp by walk up to their corpse to move it then back dash or walk back just enough to make them think it will hit. if your running/walking up to the corpse as long as they don’t have projectile supers and feeling like you know your opponent by now to know they will wake up super/c.(normal) then measure for space and post a counter, this option is only used in a blue moon.
with Geese on wake up theres a few things that can be selected as an option:
- option select for JD/c.jab
- option select for JD/kick throw
- low or mid counter (mid counter is usually against bison)
- raging storm (only if they jumped too late, as long as their pixels don’t go lower then your face then you got them)
- block (of course)
when Geese is not close enough for counterhit jab baits then its c.mk/s.mp into reppukken (mp)/jaieiken (lk) depending on spacing.
s.fierce is great against Sagat, Honda, Kyo, Guile and a few others since they can’t crouch under it. its good for catching jumps as a meaty AA or any jump the c.fierce can’t reach which is usually alot, often the s.fierce will trade as an AA so its always a better option to either run c.fierce, jump back rh, jump str8 up mp, JD into throw, or run under to the otherside. its always good to have more then 3/4 options to choose from depending if your opponent is A-groove with meter, P/K-groove, or has air supers which is never seen in use in high level play.
any guard strings Geese has or could produce that has some gaps inbetween them should only be used sparingly once the guardbar starts flashing, you could go fully safe guard strings or guard strings with some slight gaps depending if your trying guardcrush for deadly rave or bait mistimed alphacounters for some misc. dmg.
EDIT: I noticed I didn’t leave some guard string examples, so here you go:
a) c.jab x2, (whiff) s.jab, c.mk xx reppukken (mp), instead of reppukken after c.mk go f.fierce xx reppukken (mp)
b) c.jab x2, s.short, running jab x2/3, (whiff) s.jab, kick throw, cross up j.mk, s.short, run up and stop then kick throw, tiger knee airfireball (lp) away
c) c.short, c.jab, c.mk, run up c.mk xx reppukken (mp), lj.rh, wait and bait a counterhit or walk up c.mk then bait
d) c.jab x2, c.mp, walk up s.mp, c.mk, low jump short, c.short, f.fierce, then bait a counterhit c.mk x jaieiken (lk)
e) c.short, lj.short x2, run up (whiff) s.jab, kick throw, lj corpse, (whiff) c.short, kick throw, crossup lj.mk, s.short x2 xx double reppukken, wait, lj.rh xx reppukken (mp)
Note: feeling risky you can sub in a s.rh as a guard string finisher but it has to be measured to hit at the tip of his toe pixel or you may get punished for a miscalculation.
when Geese has the upper hand in health always switch between zoning and going defensive. if you zone too much you end up getting baited to eat a dp or super, too much defense ends up with crossup into combos or throws. zone options are low jump rh, air fireball (lp), reppukken (used sparingly), s.fierce, and s.rh (almost never). going defensive you can wait to see if they jump to AA, c.mk xx reppukken (mp) if they start walking too close, if the c.mk was baited and they roll you recover in time to throw them, if they’ve gotten up in your face doing guard strings look for the gaps and punish accordingly with JD into throws/combos mainly JD into c.mk xx jaieiken (lk). if your lower in health and trying to get in to gain the upper hand, from there on it becomes char specific on what to do. of course zone your way in that slowly builds up into full guard strings and work from there.
hope this was of some use to people. I jabbered on long enough, everything I’ve posted is just the basic’s of playing K-Geese. if I go char specific it should prove useful to K-Geese regulars.