Gear XX Accent Core Plus Reloaded PC version

GGXXR netplay is still alive today on the PC.
The emulated Naomi version was unfortunately to user unfriendly and had no matchmaking so no one made the transition form GGXXR.
I personally who’d buy the PC version of the game preferably on Steam.
And i have many friends who who’d buy the game on the PC also because thy dont own any of the next gen consoles abut still play GGXXR on the PC.

Sense? you lack basic English.

I personally who who’d buy both sense i already have a Console abut still play form the PC.

I would buy both

i wouldnt buy it. and neither would hardcore players. fighting games and pc dont really mix, and historically have done mediocre to poor in sales. I can only see games like Divekick, Skullgirls, and Super Turbo to do well because they are traditional 2d games that have a large niche fanbase and are relatively easy to play. Also, most fg players who want to play on pc just pirate the games or play it on ggpo. if they dont have either of these options, they buy the game for 40 bucks at gamestop.

i dont want to burst your bubble but you have to understand the logistics of any pc fighting game release.

PC online works better for me than console online. I’d buy everything twice if it were on PC. Real talk.

Exactly. You get to use pretty much any controller you want and lobby systems makes fighting opponents so much easier than console lobbies.

Whatever, it’s not like the 20th edition of an anime fighting game is gonna sell like gangbusters on consoles either.

GG players, don’t flame me, your game’s really great but I’m just talking realistically.

Do you know how many arcade games run on windows or similar shit? You precious console version is technically a port from “PC” half of the time. Here the thing- Put the game on steam and have it with a good price, and people will buy it. Steam proves that people WANT to buy PC games.

“Realistically” if it were dependent on worldwide console sales this genre would have died 20 years ago. The arcades in Japan are the primary source of income that justifies making new games, and console port sell just enough because of otaku fanservice. Even games like Tekken rock in the arcades for 1-2 years before a console version is being considered.

As long as no one nukes Japan again the genre will continue to thrive.

Aww man, i love you tataki. why you gotta freak out on me? I agree that Steam has a large potential market, but I still don’t think it will attract that much more sales unless the publisher cooperates (go look at the prices Capcom puts on their titles on Steam; they’re not “Steam prices”, they’re “retail prices”). And since when did it become “[my] precious console version”? The thing about most of these games being a port from “PC”. While the games are developed on a PC framework, they are not necessarily made with PC in mind (see Marvel). They can port it easily to GFWL because its essentially the 360 version, but Steam/any other mode of PC release requires a bit of work and R&D to port it.

I’m on your side dude; I’m just saying that people are getting their hopes up and should try and look at it from the developer/publisher side. While demonstrating demand for PC fighting game would help a lot, it just doesn’t fit their model.