Hi, I’m a 4th year pharmacy student who’s been playing fighting games since ~2011, most notably when SSF4AE dropped. I ended up shifting my focus from SF4 to Smash around 2014 mainly because I became a TO in my local scene. To this day, I still run events despite having very limited time as a student.
I wanted to let you all know that my institution, Touro University California College of Pharmacy, is conducting a web-based research survey. It is designed to help health care providers and esports organizers understand trends in gaming behavior and performance-enhancing products/supplements used by professional players, enthusiasts, and recreational gamers. The results of this study will help future research and education on the topics of the gamer population, gaming behaviors, and medication/nutritional supplementation.
We encourage everyone who plays video games (even those who don’t take supplements) to participate. Please help our research and take a few minutes to fill out our completely anonymous survey at https://tuc.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ba5y2FXCFgWgu7X
If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach me either here or by email. If you would like to reach out to me via twitter, you can reach me @imEmil on there. Thank you for your time and participation.
Emil Urbano, PharmD candidate
Touro University California, College of Pharmacy