Gaming PC comparison

I have the choice between the following machines and would like someone to advise what’s the best and why.

ROG G20 - i7 4GHZ, 1TB HDD, 12GB DDR3, NVIDIA GeForce GTX950 2GB graphic memory


ROG G11 - i5 3.5GHZ, 1TB HDD, 8GB DDR4,
NVIDIA GeForce GTX1060 3GB graphic memory, (both machines windows 10 64 bit of course)

On the face of it, I think the G20 is a better machine overall but just worried it won’t be enough to handle Tekken since it’s recommended specs are GTX1060 or equivalent, or would it really be that noticeable if I set the G20 to its highest settings it could handle?

Or just the the G11.

Thanks to the posters on my arcade stick thread, throwing money at problems is always a good way to get them gone since I’ve ordered a new stick :slight_smile:

do you know what generation processors those are? you can tell by the number series, 4000,5000,6000, etc

The G20 is 6700 and the G11 is 7400

The g11 will be much better for gaming, the 1060 is significantly more powerful than the 950. That i5 will do fine for gaming as well.

Ok, it says Tekken requires 3.6GHZ but this processor is 3Ghz up to 3.5ghz, is that enough?im a noob

The 3.6GHz is for the minimum system requirements, which is asking for a core i3. The higher frequency is needed for the lower end i3 processor.

The Recommended system requirements ask for a core i5 @ 3.5GHz. The processor on the G11 is more than enough for Tekken 7.

Cheers mate