GameUnicon sat and sun results Agu 21-23

Hey guys here are the results sat had over 60 entrants and sun had over 70
thanks to everyone who came!


1 Justin Wong
2 Martin Phan
3 Andre
4 Sanford Kelly
5 Evil Rahsaan
5 Nestor
7 Jeron
7 CP
9 LuckyD
9 Robert Stevens
9 Asian Tom
9 FlashMetroid
13 Gabe Ong
13 Chris Ong
13 KDZ
13 Ferseni Jimenez
17 savean so
17 Trance
17 Zorin
17 Aumni
17 OmegaSit
17 BlackAlpha
17 Gonzales
17 ShadyJ
25 LunchBox
25 Eric Zhang
25 Trung Dhan
25 Bluenine
25 Seiya
25 Random James
25 Michael Borchelt
25 IFC Yipes
33 Benwit Li
33 Morgan Dorado
33 Dan R
33 Gamstead
33 Victor Thammavong
33 Cuoi
33 John Lee
33 Steve Chung
33 Bob sagat
33 Brendan Fennimore
33 C.Muon
33 Mister Dash
33 Kevin Landon
33 Daniel Eng
33 Mattew Charette
49 Michael D’Angelo
49 NIW
49 Joey
49 Michael Fontana
49 Robert Combs
49 Essex
49 Bonj
49 Matthew Magpayo
49 Andrew Christens
49 Hoand Danh
49 GoBob
49 Davis Le


1 Justin Wong
2 Martin Phan
3 Jeron Grayson
4 FlashMetroid
5 Rahsaan Dusuau
5 Sanford Kelly
7 Robert Stevens
7 Gabe Ong
9 Brian Dinh
9 Kevin Landon
9 Chris Pereira
9 Paul Cordero
13 Justin Casey
13 Nestor Corchado
13 Chris Landon
13 Savean
17 Phillip Atkinson
17 Derek Zorin
17 Dan Lehmann
17 Andre Lambert
17 Ryan Rindom
17 PJ Santa Barbara
17 Chris Ong
17 Something Unique
25 Khamla Sayphrarath
25 Benjamin Wartel
25 Matthew Charette
25 Michael Borchelt
25 Tim Cook
25 Tom Hoang
25 Charles Cunha
25 seiya
33 Tuan Ngyuen
33 Matt Magpayo
33 Eliot Min
33 John Lee
33 Daniel Eng
33 Angel Class
33 Steve Chung
33 Luis
33 Morgan Dorado
33 Stephen Cosentino
33 Kyle Stober
33 Alex Piekarz
33 Justo Cabrera
33 Ian Cofino
33 Yi Zhou
33 Michael Fontano
49 Steve Turner
49 Bob Sagat
49 Eric Zhang
49 Davis Le
49 Asit Patel
49 Gonzales
49 Brendan Fennimore
49 Alexander Smith
49 Maria Rivera
49 Robert Benge
49 Jesse Ramos
49 Jorry Lemke
49 Manny Camacho
49 Andrew Christensen
49 Allen Mohammed
49 DeMarcus

thx for everyone who came!

yo can you change brian dinh to bwiyon. i dont want people to know my name lol

This community seemed pretty cool at GameUnicon so i joined this

good stuff guys.

D1 on Jumpman’s account:

I had a great time where are the rest of the results for the other games?


Great tournament Lucky D!

If you don’t mind letting people know, all the matches played on the big screen are being posted on the FADC youtube account: .

I’ve been posting the Teams tournament first, so if you’d rather watch the matches than get the winners spoiled for you, come check it out :wink:

The con was a good time. Thanks to those involved. Hopefully this will be (at least) a yearly event!

GGS everyone

Good games to the guys I played. Nice seeing everyone and nice meeting some new people.

Seb at FADC, keep up the good work.

See you guys at Walls.

here are some of the results from the TF tourney. Taken from the TF thread

when is the next tournament in MAss?

who won teams on friday?

Yea I’m wondering where those brackets are :wink:

but I know for sure Top 3 was:

Empire 1
Empire 2
and D-Block.

The videos are at you’ll see the top 3 teams duke it out there.

Charlie, I think the next one in Mass is in Fall River. There are some tourneys down in CT.

GGs everyone

RandomJames should have thrown the match for tits:

later, he was tied down by a slew of little people


Catfish ass looking mother fucker

It was great seeing everyone again and meeting new faces, commy quan dash etc

kevin, your honda is really good, i picked up some tricks and thought of some new stuff from playing you, good stuff man, keep reppin those lower tiers!

jeron, i was expecting you to pick chun against me, your bison was too much haha next time though imma be ready though, so watch out!

thanks to everyone who showed up this event it was alot of fun and had great competition.

GGs guys

I didnt go to game unicon. Why is my name on the list?