Shout outs to the last minute Firday Night Fight night. SICK LAST GRAND FINALS intense haha
gratz to Gridman and Sean!
This up and coming Friday 02-06-09 we will have another Firday Night fight night!
Tatsunoko Vs Capcom
Third Strike
And last but not least
Street Fighter Alpha 3
So get hyped!
But heres the REAL BIG NEWS
We are ordering a Japaneese Version (2 copies) of SF4 for ps3. What does this mean? STREET FIGHTER 4 ON FEB 13TH
Now I CANNOT guarantee this, but We payed for first day shipping and when we did this for TvC it came the next day.
SO here’s what we decided to do. Friday the 13 will be another Fight Night at Gameuniverse. 5$ entry fee play all games till 2 am with tournies.
IF WE HAVE street fighter we will have the frist console SF4 tournament that day!
Singles Double Elimination 2out 3
$10 entry
As SOON AS WE GET IT IN I’ll post but we’ll run somthing that night no matter what
Also it will be $10 for ALL DAY PASSES to play Street Fighter 4 any day that’s not fight night even AFTER the game comes out!
I’m recovering from a week-long crash-in-the-making, been exhausted with a severe lack of sleep so I didn’t even make an effort this time. Sorry man, but I’m definitely down for the next one. I got a friend who wants to see what all this HYPE is about.
He’s from winthrop ma and he’s been to TGA before but he’s a quiet dude and really good as you can see. He will probably be there this Friday coming up.
Dan’s new name is UnluckyD. This kid just rams right into a curb and half his car flies up. Then he loses control, swirves onto a sidewalk, smashes into a snowbank, and hits a tree. I was right there daang, It was scary at first but he was alright,didn’t get hurt at all, so I couldnt help but laugh:rofl: I’m still laughing that was so funny, and it was right after he says hes driving his car to philly for the winter brawl:rofl:
aww, seriously though I hope your car gets better soon. And tomorrow should be a good gathering. Also the 13th, sf4, its happenin
haha all good car isnt totaled and im just happy I wasnt hurt. (the best part was that we left it in the parking lot for 4 hours so we could play Thirdstrike). But yea still goin to philly!
PS if theres anyone who wants to level up there game and go PM me cause we got room for 1 since TOM cant make it