Gamestop Tourney

gamestop is opening up a new tournament center in san jose. its supposed to have a huge stage, networked plasmas, and other cool stuff. they’re hosting a call of duty 4 tournament and grand opening celebration. they’ll have free pizza and they’re giving away 300 bucks to the winner.

3580 Stevens Creek Boulevard in San Jose, noon saturday

any of you guys going?

this nigga, hella doing a shameless plug. =[

there was already a thread for this, dude.

Gamer08 that name enough says it all. Then you check his post history and you see 1 post. I could see if there were going to be fighting games or something but there isn’t.

listen guys, i’m just cluing you into a pretty sweet deal. free food, kick ass tournament center, likeminded people. here are some pictures from another city’s if you for some reason don’t think it’s worthy.

how many plasmas do you count? i see 31.

i think it’s pretty cool. didn’t mean any disrespect.

(and sorry for the lame name…spur of the moment)

**edit, this is korngo posting again on woo’s sn. =]

this guy still trying to plug his shit, damn.

dawg, throw in some marvel or 3s and then make a thread about it.

ya diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig!

Same guy (Gamr08) posted the exact same thing over at CAG about the COD4 tourney.

Pretty much sums it up.

And don’t run Smash.