Games with good grapplers

He got demoted to B tier recently. Keep in mind that this is GGAC B tier though.



Hey, you still have to learn such difficult combos as combo into heat, command grab into heat, and 6HS into heat!

If you want to get obscure, thereā€™s always Rat King from TMNT Tournament Fighters on SNES.

Considering that the tier list goes from A+ to C-
B tier is still equivalent to A tier

I thought A tier was equivalent to A tier. :wonder:

Ahh, you must be confused, you forgot to turn right at ā€œreality.ā€

if your tier list goes from S to X
and another tier list goes from A to X
if A is equivalent to S
B would be equivalent to A

If you donā€™t mind ditching Gief in the SF series, Abel is great in SSF4.

KOF is where the fun is at with grapplers

and a nightmare for others

that will be an insult

Samson from Bloody Roar 1 and the warthog character, Iā€™m sure there might have been a few more? I really enjoyed the grapple motions from this series.

The generic grappler characters from Kensei Sacred Fist, I actually had a lot of fun with them, and the Judo characters, not bad at all. This game actually had Steven Segal alike in it, I think he would do a takedown on someone and then bash their head on the ground a few times.

Gotta say that Daimonā€™s HCF a is so cool to use on noobs, grabbing them out of the air, grabbing them while theyā€™re close and standing upā€¦ Still Clark for the win though, I even started to main him in KOF2k2, against the really tough opp I donā€™t grapple much, but sometimes their will be a perfect opportunity and then he does the damage, but against average players he can be a real nightmare esp if they donā€™t know certain tricks, which donā€™t really work on veterans as well.

I would say I had fun with E Honda and Birdie in SFA3, but I donā€™t think they count? Love Alex in SF3 TS, wish he was bit stronger but damn is he fun to play, just as much variety as clark I think, maybe not as lethal though, still I think it is pretty close thoughI think?

What that guy said about tiers not mattering earlier, I kinda agree with him in someway the tiers only really matter a lot if youā€™re a pro, if youā€™re average or maybe even above average I donā€™t think they matter as much.


head explodes

This. Grapplers feel like grapplers in KoF. Being able to combo into a grapple makes them a rather scary threat at times. At Run and well it can be a handful.

There are times I wish Capcom would try doing a KoF style grappler in a SF but iā€™m quite sure theā€™ll mess it up/not adjust easily.

Alex in 3S. His grabs kindaā€™ suck, truth be told. Capcom gave us the illusion that he was like a KOF grappler in that he can freely combo into his grab, which he really canā€™t aside from his Flash Chop. However, unlike the other characters in 3S who have command grab (except maybe Makato) Alex has a plethora of tricks where he can grab you. Sucks that his SA 1 (Super Grab) is absolutely horrible.

Vice from KOF. A sexy lady, possibly nympho, grabbing you with snake arms and powerbombing you, whatā€™s not to love.

Goro Daimon is fucking scary in 98.

The psycho part & cannibalism might hold some people back. But that just leaves her all to me, Vice is oh so nice.

hi i want pure grapplers

retards post about kof chars w/ cmmand grabs

King in tekken is probably one of the best showings of what a throw character should be likeā€¦

Good pokes, strong punishment, traps into throws, can throw you out of just about any mistake, chain throws, air throws, crouch throws, ground throws, regular hits into throws, etc. Now that I think about it, the ONLY situation he cannot grab during is airborne fully head first towards you.

On top of that, heā€™s rather mobile, and has pretty solid ways to close distances.

VF has some pretty good throw characters as well.

Goro was fuckin annoying in 98 with his grabs. Itā€™s like you -have- to go long range against him or else youā€™re dead.

I think that jubei is a good grappler in fatal fury special

Damn, you beat me to it. ;p yes, King is the first one to come to mind as far as a PURE grappler goes. All those chain throws and those other other types of throws you mentioned. Very scarey grappler if in the right hands.

Counting 5R: 7 (if you count Vanessa) out of 19 are pretty much grapplers (a good 1/3 of the cast if my horrible math is right) and theyā€™re all really good. Then again, even some non-throw centric characters have very threatening grabs in VF.

Zangief will always be the poster boy for grapplers.