GamePad: Old Axiom RESULTS!

Sorry this is so late. I’ve had a really busy weekend.


  1. MagMan $174 (Rog)
  2. Rugi $87 (Akuma)
  3. Blue $29 (ElF)
  4. iNerd (Rufus/Cammy/Chun)
  5. Sloth (Honda)
  6. Karl (DA)
  7. Hokage60 (Honda)
  8. Brayan (Bison)
  9. Ave
  10. MattyP
  11. Shankd
  12. SaltyB
  13. C-Ninja00
  14. Nosturi
  15. Fox
  16. DikRodnum
  17. Pulse
  18. Syranas
  19. Rich
  20. Dr. Benway
  21. Byron
  22. Aposl
  23. Ayabara
  24. Christian
  25. Greg
  26. Yoho
  27. Robert
  28. Albert
  29. Henry


  1. Magman/Rugi/iNerd $45
  2. Pulse/Blue/Sloth $15
  3. MattyP/SaltyB/Shankd
  4. Byron/Brayan/Avery

3RD STRIKE Round-Robin

  1. MagMan (12-0) $25
  2. Brayan (8-4)
  3. Byron (6-6)
  4. Blue (3-11)
  5. Syranas (1-11)

MVC2 (Few entrants…)

  1. MagMan

I put top 8 characters in, but I’m not 100% on them. If anyone wants their information changed, let me know.

Thanks to everyone who waited through hours of college traffic to play here! I really enjoyed the StreetFighter aspect of this tournament. We will probably have another one before too long.

LOLOL, good shit, JD. Good shit… :rofl:

damn, i woulda won this one too. gs mags.

Good stuff Mag.

Ill hopefully go to the next one.

Good stuff Matty. Nice tourny. Free Spicy chicken sandwich was GDLK! Losing to non punished Guile c.HK, not gdlk…

gs sloth :tup:

This x1000

Rep that EH.

Also in the names of Pat.

I would have won this one too.

That spicy sandwich with ranch is so good. It’s like vanilla Sagat tier.
I was really hoping to get top 8 this tourney… I went 3-2. With a bye I would’ve made it.
Oh well. I gotta learn the Honda matchup better…

I feel like I could have done better in singles. Oh well, gotta step it up next time. Gs to my crew in teams.

gs Pete.

This would only apply to 3s, but you can have that game. gs Pat.

In singles I used Sakura, Chun, Balrog, Viper. Had to mash out r00g with Viper.

Shoutouts to GamePad having the hook up with the food. Pretty godlike.

Geez, I need to get out of this rut and practice!

stop chasing those waterfalls mags

I probably would have won 3s if I went.

U 2 crazy. <3

Good event. Wish I could of played, def a nice turnout. Hope everyone that attended here can attend my event as well. I will def. be playing there. :wink:

^—Come get some!