GameClucks Lynnwood SF4 tournaments - 7/1 @7pm

WTF time is this tournament at?

Anywhere from 1-3…ish. 4. 1/2.

niggas be awake and shit

what? so is it at Noon like the first page said or what…? confused…

If they SAY noon, it’ll start to sort of get started ish around 2. Meaning that the brackets will actually start at 3:30, maybe. They’re supposed to start at noon I believe but usually don’t end up starting for like four hours. I don’t show up to these because I get tired of waiting.

Damn that sucks bc I’m here already wait since 11am well I wait for a while to see if anyone shows up

I’ll probably be there around 2

Yea if it starts late I might just go home n come back later I guess but I’ll wait it out for a bit before taking off… Good thing my iPhone got wifi connection lol

Good luck today gennemen. I will be at work as per usual

The one time you guys start early I’m at work =|

so wait did it start early? What’s really good cause If its starting like @ 3 or 4 I will be there (working midnight to noon tonight so I’m tryin to sleep as much as possible)

Yeah, I rolled in about 4:20’ish and Cole and LTB were playing the Grand Finals match.

Kind of disappointing for my situation because generally things don’t get rolling till 4’ish. Apparently Cole was on a tight schedule so he got it going early.

Had 10 people stick around for a consolation 2v2 tournament, Lulz ensued.

Okay so who won?

see, I was told on Friday that it was going to start at 4pm…and i was gonna get throw in the bracket (because I have to work midnight to noon tonight so I was tryin to sleep in as much as i could). So since it started early well there was no way I was gonna make it to it =.

But yeah results??? 12 ppl went so someone that posts was surely there.

Paul has the bracket, so he should be posting later. But I remember 1st being LTB and Cole getting 2nd

nice turn out… even though i got my butt kick it… Yea Paul we need to play more… i still need practice…LOL…

Had a good time. Good to get some games in finally. Next time I’ll bring my Panasonic DVX100b and we’ll record some games for youtube.

You guys are stronger than me for sure

1st - John Michael
2nd - Jason Cole
3rd - DT
4th - King Takee

That is all I remember.

I’m going to be giving Chris (GC Owner) information on what the SF4 community wants in terms of being able to draw a large crowd (More attendees = More $ in the pot).

Throw me some information here so I can relay it to him when I talk to him over the next couple months.

I thought it was kind of weak to hear him (or possibly another employee) talk about how much he hated his Smash audience. Considering how many LAN centers are closing up shop and he’s disrespecting his regulars…thought that was weak.

Not really important…I just noticed.