Game Versus Dan Rankings

Some notable changes in rankings:

Kokujin Dudley now “Mousa” rank along with Boss’s Makoto and Gouki
Genki’s Alex down to 10th dan
Genki’s Dudley now 10th dan
My Yang, YSB’s Hugo, RX’s Urien, Kuroda’s Ryu and TM’s Q is still stuck on 10th dan
KO has a 8th dan Q, Boss and YSB has a 6th dan Q
Vanao’s Ryu now up to 9th dan
Hayao is now up to 8th dan
Yamazaki’s Twelve is now 6th dan
KO started a Remy now at 2nd Dan

thanks for the updated list. nice job on your Yang in 10th dan. great job! does anyone have the entire list?

It’s scary to see that KO’s Q is 8th Dan…

Very stupid question but… the lower the number the higher the rank correct?

If thats the case then I gotta see Yamazaki’s 12.

Any videos of this by chance?

higher the #, higher the rank

think of it like a black belt; 1st degree, 2nd degree, etc

can anybody elaborate on this system?

Awesome ty very much.

Even then a 12 player making 6th dan seems pretty cool. I have never seen a 12 player do that well heh.

Also Genki with 10th dan Dudley. :tup:

These are the rules from the Gamespot Versus 3S Dan Rankings page:

I’ll provide translations:

  • Newcomers start off at 1st Dan.

  • Players generally fight against others of either the same rank or one rank above/below you in order to go up a rank.

  • One match won = +1 point, one match lost = -1 point. +3 points moves you up one rank, -3 points moves you down one rank.

  • The ranks are 1st to 10th Dan. Past 10th Dan are special ranks such as “Kyousha”(“strong man”, my kanji reading may be off though).

  • Players past 10th Dan can only fight against others of the same rank. +5 points moves you up one rank, -3 points moves you down one rank.

  • Ranked players can play in other arcades with their rankings as is.

i want kuroda ryuuuu

wait… he’s actually telling the truth?

Just checked the list, and it all fits. He’s telling the truth…in a sense.

Boss’ Makoto is now King.
His quality shone through that he can compete in the Mousa category, as opposed to Mimora.

Those videos are fun to watch… thanks for making them.

BTW there’s going to be a “national danisen” this Friday and Sunday, along with a 5on5 Tournament on Saturday. According to Boss, the top players from Kansai (Haitani, Shoutarou, Shouhei, Chinta & K) and Chuubu (Kokujin, Yuki, Uraken, Hirochan, Yoiyami) will be attending. Can’t wait vor the videos.

Haitani + Chinta


Big changes to the rankings.
There is a new rank called “Meisyo”. It is the highest rank even above “Ouja” (King).
Kokujin’s Dudley is now rightfully Meisyo rank, and Aiku back down to “Tsuwamono” rank.

The Meisyo ranked players are now Boss’ Makoto, Kokujin’s Dudley, Nuki’s Chun li and Yakkun’s Yun.
Matsuken is the only player left in King/Ouja rank.

New players added to “Tsuwamono” (rank above 10th dan) include:
Yakkun’s Necro, Genki’s Dudley, Ruu’s Ryu, TM’s Q, Kokujin’s Ken.

Kokujin also has a 10th dan Chun li.
Nuki has done the same and has a 10th dan Dudley.
Yuki Otoko has a 10th dan Gouki, Ryu and Yang.
Hayao also started playing as Alex and Q.

What about RX?

RX is in 10th dan, still.

And good shit to TM for making it to Tsuwamono. He’d better be careful though, one more loss and it’s back to 10th… D:

RX went up to “Mousa” rank (above Tsuwamono) but was soon dropped back down to 10th dan.

Also, “Meisyo” is not the highest rank that can be achieved. There is still another ultimate rank.

yuki otoko has a 10th dan ryu as well? lol wtf?