Gambit's multiple card combo with cyclops assist

Does anybody know the multiple kinetic / trick card assist-combo ? using cyclops AAA as an assist? It looks fancy :smokin:

you can fit around 5-6 cards in there right? a mixture of kinetic/trick cards. I swear ive seen it in a video somewhere. Maybe it was in one the meikeyious (spelling?) videos. Two in the air, one as their coming down, and 2-3 while they’re in normal jump height … canceled into gambit’s super

I think u can do about 2 in the air one Fierce trick, into a weak one, and as they are comin down i forgot what order it is, i tried it once or twice i almost got the hang of it but said forget it LOL i just know for fact far as what i tried on my own i got 1 Fierce in the air and then into a jab one.

thanx backfire, anybody know if any other variations?

watch dj b13 gambit video on youtube and he does over 6 cards on magnus in the intro

off the cyc asst. hp, lp lp…the first two are trick cards tho