Ga Thread (Home of Final Round)

so im gonna hve to qualify then,right??:confused:here at fr???

I didnā€™t put shinblanka on my badge sir, but I was there.:wink:

I dont see how in gods name you could miss shinblanka. I mean, itā€™s one thing not knowing who he is, but I dont think you actually MISSED him. XD

Dogy!!! :nunchuck::nunchuck::nunchuck::nunchuck:

Whatā€™s everyone doing this week/weekend?

Playing marvel in carrollton :wgrin:

I wish I had fucking plans. As it is Iā€™ll just be staying home playing Virtua Fighter all day.

Man Lobelia, youā€™re worse than I am at playing too many games, You need to pick at least like 1 or 2 to get solid at first haha

That one game has consistently been Virtua Fighter for the past several years, actually. I just gave up hope for ever finding a scene.

hey, anytime you wanna drive your ass over to warner ro~~



If you are up for more SFIV after the Gamestop tourneys on the 22nd:

would be great to see everyone again

Iā€™m gonna try to make it to the wabagames tourney too, looks like they got the same kinda thing goin. Good stuff!

is it possible u can come to atl and we can play mvc2

^ maybe on sundayā€¦ I need some practice for sure.

Hey fellaā€™s I have bad news for those that plan on attending the GS tournament during FR12. I have to move the SF4 tournament to march 14 due to the size of the event. SF4 was on sunday, but with 140+ pre-reg for sf4 I fear we might not complete the tournament in 1 day. Saturday is the best day because it gives me a chance to move the tournament to sunday if we donā€™t finish sat. Iā€™m sorry if this ruinā€™s your plans to attend FR12 for sf4.

I never wanted to make your choose which one you would goto, but it has to be done for the better of the tournament. I know no one wants to be up until 3am-5am playing in a tournament. I also have to pack up everything and getting out of the ballroom at 12 midnight on sunday/monday morning or I get extra charge for staying over the time I set up for the event. This event is booked for fri-sun and after midnight starts a new day. After the tournament ends I have to pack up everything and unpack it at my house and take the ryder truck back in the morning before they open.

I canā€™t do that if the tournament last longer than 1am. Last year we ran over with the smash tournament and I didnā€™t get out of the hotel until 3am. I didnā€™t get finished unloading my cabā€™s and tvā€™s until 5:30am and didnā€™t get to sleep before 8am on monday. This is with getting up at 6:30am on sunday to prepare for sundays events! I want to atleast get 2 hours of sleep before I have to take the ryder truck back. I almost crashed several times while driving that truck when I was sooooooooo sleepy!

Thereā€™s only 33 days left until FR12. Iā€™ll see everyone in a month.:wink:

Hey, whatever works to the overall convenience for the tourney, i see no problem, that is one hell of a pre-register list for SF4, so itā€™s no surprise to see that game had to be moved, i had a feeling this would happen anyway, LETā€™S GO GA!!!

Nothing according to my knowledge :bluu:

I want in on this practice holla at me.

So whatā€™s the deal with GS SF4 tourney is it no button changing/pad only? And do you know the deal with TvC?

leave tvc to want to mm this weekend at east point???

Would anyone be up for 3S or SF4 ranbats? I got into 3S originally at the same time all the FFA ranbats were coming out, so theyā€™ve always really inspired me. I was thinking they could be at Waba game, like once every week, or once every other week throughout a pre-determined season. Maybe like 3 or 5 dollar entrance fee? It would be a good way to help step up game, and watch ourselves grow as players, especially if they were recorded.