Funny / Epic Dan Moments

I saw one of these in the Gen forums so why not have one for Dan? I mean he’s Dan… he needs an epic/funny moment thread. :sunglasses:
So please post yours too.

One of my just-for-fun Dan online trolling vids… I’m a terrible Dan player but he’s FUN.

I made this video a few weeks ago. Hope you guys are fans of Kung pow. :slight_smile:


Kung Pow is awesome, great finish XD

Thank you kindly, Sugami. :slight_smile:

To this day, my buddy and I break out Kung Pow quotes every time we have a conversation.

Getting shot up in a shooter? “Bullet to brain style, how do you like!?”

About to run out of time in a game? “You’ll never make it, ever make it, never make it, never make it, you’ll never make it, ever - don’t you see, you can’t make it?”

Died in a game? “I don’t understand, why people have to die … weeoweeoweeoooohh!”

OMG, these are hilarious! I never use the movie’s quotes so deeply into conversations. I’m totally gonna start now!

Oh yeah, and I’m gonna make another one, but this time it’ll be Wimp Lo, or Master Tang vs Ling Ling idk who to use though, cause there’s a lot of stuff on them. Can’t think of anyone else in the movie with enough lines to make a 3rd episode.

Dang you make me want to watch the movie again :rofl:

It’s on Netflix, if you happen to have it. Just watched it last night, it was as funny as 10 viewings ago.

I have it on CD somewhere, just finding it will be a challenge :rofl: