i found a weird glitch with yun.
with yun, do the dive kick super and connect with it.
right after the super is done, do :qcb:+:lp:.
the game freezes right after that.
i dont know if it’ll happen in all instances, i’ve done it like 3 times with P yun vs. cammy and sagat. and it was on ps2.
I did it first try. I’ll mess around with it a little bit more and see if I can find a reason why it does it, but otherwise good find.
Too bad no one uses Yun.
I think the Beholder posted this bug in Shin Ace’s bug’s/glitches take 2 thread. Good find, but beaten to the punch 
Sorry but this is very very old, like late 2001.
also works after you hou super, and the glitch only works on the console versions. dunno about xbox/gx versions though