Opps…yeah then I guess that did come off wrong. I apologize. Its a good thing that I put in the part about luck. But go back and read it again I’ll personally make the edit.
I think this is far closer to the truth than the first one:
"If Nagata had played then there was a small chance that Triforce could pull 1 game out of 5 as Marvelous figured that if he had coached Triforce that it would be enough to beat Nagata but it would be a whole lot of luck more so than skill. "
You should learn 3S. If you end up the calibre of player that you are in the other games you’ll be a monster. It helps that JWong would be able to coach you as well.
The problem is I just don’t like fighting games like that anymore. I don’t know what happened…When me Jeron and Sanford were all in my house like 7 years ago, I just went into games like Zelda and Raidant Silver Gun while they went into the tournament route. Then when I final formed the Empire out of our old group we all reconnected so there was no need for me to take up fighting games because they had that genre locked down. Then when Justin joined, and Ricky, Arturo, Flash, Xecutioner etc etc…I was like okay…there is really no need for me to play fighting games. They got it locked up for sure.
A lot of people tell me that I should take it seriously. When Arturo was teaching me CVS 2 in China Town like a year and half ago, I started to get some progress. I even learned how to roll cancel, but then that alone disgusted me and I was like yeah…I’m pretty much done. I don’t know…I’m just too oldschool. I think using glitches to enhance your ability to win in a fighting game is wrong but fighters accept it. Being that I’m not a fighting gamer who am I to disagree so I felt that I’m just not mentally cut out for it. I won’t do whatever it takes to win. I would rather just win based on the standards.
I remembered when Justin was winning CVS2 with no roll cancels but then after a while people started to apply the glitch to their fighting strategy and that is when Justin had to learn the glitch just to stay in the game. Stuff like that discourages me to compete seriously. Like look at Tetris DS and Mario Kart DS. When I first started playing Mario Kart DS me and Jeron thought the game was hot, but then everyone started to abuse power sliding to create the snaking technquie. The problem with it is with certain karts and characters the concept “DRIVING” means nothing. Just learn the snaking technique pick a good kart and character and you can compete with anyone. I was like…this is trash. Unlike the 64 if you hop off a power slide and try to interupt it with another powerslide the kart becomes unstable and will spin out forcing you to maintain a stable race of when to use power sliding. “BALANCE”.
Now in the new game…who cares about balance. “Yahoo” Yahoo" Here we go" yahoo’ Yahoo… I’m like damn this is real bad. They added many things to the game like the power draft which was great but snaking doesn’t keep the cars still so the in game physics to slingshot out of a power draft is pointless. It also destroys the strategy of looking at your bottom screen to see if the person has a item in their inventory that could possibly slip you up so you have to make that decision all while keeping your eye on the road forcing you to multitask your skill ability. See that skill but all of that has been replaced with snaking…it just killed the entire system.
Then it even gets worst when they put items in TETRIS…I’m like what the hell is this? Bad enough you have shodow slots and instant drops…its like in an attempt to make the game better they put in things that really don’t change the game for the better but more so for the worst. I know I went on a rant but this is why I just don’t play it competitively. I find it more of a challenge to catch a top teir player with a Random Shinshoryuken than to know how to play Ken top tier in Third Strike. Besides…when you have the luxiury of watching some of these guys in the Empire play fighting games…you become content just letting it be. I’m a old soul that just acts young my time came and went. I know when to let go. My job is the other games that those guys are not so good at so we cover all genres in the empire. That and running the other aspect of the company. We all do our part and that is what keeps us strong. So ultimately in the end that is all that matters. Trying to play like them is only going to lead to embarassment and even though I have the confience to reach that level of play it will only breed seeds of envy and types of other shit that just isn’t worth it. I’ll stay in my box and know my place. Its a part of just being humble. Something that I’m really working hard to master.
i know this is kinda off topic but whats the name of the guy that does custom sticks up there. he made a stick for Flash metroid that was fuckin hot. any info on that guy would be great
The only things I’ve ripped are the MM’s with Jiggabry vs X, Jiggabry vs Flash Metroid and Issac Graham vs JJ Tactics. I’ll eventually get to the CvS2 tape as that has the GF between Smoothcat and Justin Wong.
i’m not even going to disucss the “punked” part, but end of the day, you just got lazy and didn’t bother ripping the CvS2 Qualifier, plain and simple. If you did get “punked”, then you had it coming, considered that you punked the rest of the CvS2 qualifier participants by not delievering the DVD at T7 as promised.
I already have the qualifier ripped. I’m so sorry I had other things to do like finish organizing the biggest tournament of the year, work 12 hour days the last 3 days before the tourney and have a semblance of a life outside of SF. Aside from that point, you make it sound like I owe you or any of the qualifiers anything. Because I didn’t take the extra time to rip and burn eight DVD’s for people, I’m supposed to take flack from the rest of you? Get off your fucking high horse. If everyone wants footage so badly let them tape it for themselves.
fact is you DO owe us, cause YOU said you were going to have the DVD for all the qualifiers at T7. No one begged you to make a dvd. Notice how no one is asking for the DVD? I made mention of it cause I know your track record for ripping and posting vids (of the lack of).
You should’ve known ahead of time that you didn’t have the time to rip and burn it, considering your busy life and all, then don’t say you were going to make a DVD. Dont’ try and play the blame game when you dropped the ball on the dvds.
I didn’t OWE anyone and I wasn’t OBLIGATED to anything so I didn’t DROP the ball.
Who the fuck are you or anyone to tell me I owe them? Did you pay me? Did I make some kind of guarantee? I made an offhand remark I’d hook up some DVD’s when I rip the vids. The only reason I sited T7 was because that was the next time I was going to be in that area. Work was busy, spare time burned fine tuning the tourney, life happened.
And like I said, I don’t see why I should hook up anyone that would rather punk me off than anything else anyway.
That’s pretty offhand indeed. Maybe it’s cause my english sucks, but it sounded like you were gonna get it done with some kind of certainty. I’m sorry life aka watch the tape yourself multiple times, or not ripping it overnight, got in the way.
And like I said, no one (myself included) is asking for the DVD now.
The whole point wasn’t even about this DVD in particular, fact is you just don’t take the time to follow through with ripping/posting vids that you tell others that you’d do. I mentioned the CvS2 one cause it just happened to be the most recent of such DVDs (T6 DVD anyone?).