Fulgore manual info

Hey guys. Just figured I’d throw this up to save you some time.

The manuals I use:

L = CrLK, (5 frames)
M = CrMK, (7 frames, looks similar ish to crLK so people confuse the two when trying to break)
H= CrHP, (9 frames)
FHP (8 frames, faster than CrHP but hits twice, giving the opponent more time to react and break)


(Due to the limited horizontal hitbox of CrHP, there are instances where you will be out of range for it after your opener hits, go to practice mode and learn when and when not it will reach)

  • L laser: Can follow up with all 4

  • M laser: Can follow up with L,M, FHP,

  • L blade charge: L,M

  • M blade charge: L,M, FHP,

  • H blade charge: Can follow up with all 4

  • EX blade charge: Can follow up with all 4
    *(Any fully charged blade charge that hits can be followed up with all 4.) *

  • L Fireball: L,M, FHP

  • M Fireball: L, M,

  • H Fireball: L

  • Ex Teleport: Can be followed up with all 4


  • L laser: L,M,

  • M Laser: Can be followed up with all 4

  • H laser: Can be followed up with all 4

  • EX laser: Can be followed up with all 4

  • L blade charge: L, M,

  • M blade charge: L, M, FHP

  • H Blade charge: Can be followed up with all 4

  • EX blade charge: Can be followed up with all 4

  • EX teleport: Can be followed up with all 4

If I forgot anything I’ll go back and add it in. Please note that some of these are 1 frame links before posting, and telling me that they can’t be done. (M laser linker to Cr. HP is a bitch)

Late notice but found out…

  • L laser linker: L, M, FHP

You can apparently land a f+HP manual after an L laser linker. Which must mean the frame data in training mode is written down wrong since c.HP, close s.HP and f+HP are all 8 frame start up according to the game data, but f+HP is the only heavy manual that can land off the light laser linker. Which means that either f+HP is actually 7 frame start up or something wonky happens with the frame advantage of the laser linker when cancelling off a f+HP.

This essentially makes him the only other character other than Jago that can land a heavy manual off a LP linker that continues combos without the use of any meter or instinct. It’s just f+HP does 2 hits so it’s a more telegraphed than a standard manual.

Sorry im trying to learn how to play killer instinct and im new with fighting games also can some one tell me what crLK means thanks in advance!

where is everybody?
