I have a SwapMagic 3 Plus and door cover for slim PS2 for sale. Un-opened CD’s. Will sell for $30. Ordered this to play HnK and they sent me 2!!
PM Sent.
i have also sent you a pm nappy
Third in line.
I’ll sell it to the first person that sends me the money lol.
Would you do $15 shipped right now? Also is it 3.8 and comes with both DVD and CD ?
I would not do $15 shipped. It’s version 3.6 and it supports both CD and DVD. 3.8 is the version with the Pro action replay on it right? This one is not the coder disc.
Thats kewl, let me know if you change your mind
PM’ed. I do have the money, it is just a matter of how you want it.
sent you a PM Sanji.