FS: Sega Saturn USB Pad (For PS3/PC)

This is the real deal, Sega made 2004 LE pad.

Great condition, hardly used since I do not have a PS3, and I used my white one for tournaments. This is the grey backup. Figured I’d get rid of it since I don’t use it, and I know how rare they are nowadays.

60$ OBO. Serious offers only. PM if interested. First come first serve. Details such as shipping type and shipping outside of US is negotiable.



gotta post a price.


Least I could stand to let it go for would be around 80 bucks. I haven’t checked the market lately, and do not know how much they are worth, but last I checked (year or so ago) they were at least going for 100.
Keep in mind this is the real Sega build, limited edition, not a chinese knockoff.

There’s basically 3 grades of USB Saturn Pad:

Grade 1. SLS (Sega Limited Service), limited Edtion around 1000 made, released in 2004, USB PC controller. That’s what you are getting. Was a rare as fuck controller, expensive (over 100$ easily after market), and got even more saught after with the PS3 releasing (200$+ controller around 2007-2008). Which lead to the release of:

Grade 2. SLS Knockoff (2009). These are more common, but rare nowadays. These are not bad, in fact, they are quite good. I can tell just by feel, but most people are fooled by this, and rightfully so it’s a good controller. However, they are known to break. These flooded the market in 2009 and were quickly gone. I’ve seen them fetch over a 150$ on ebay as recently as a month ago.

Good luck finding either of these. Anywhere. Your best bet is to go to a tournament and beg someone to buy theirs. And it’s probably all greasy and beat up. Mines damn near mint, and I take care of my shit, have ocd and wash my hands and shit, and noones hands have ever touched this but my own (ask anyone who knows me how insane I am about this sort of thing lol).

Grade 3: Anything else. If you go to Ebay nowadays they are flooded with this awful knockoff made by a company called Retrolink. It’s horrible. Total trash. That’s pretty much it.

I didn’t think I needed to post this but I initially got a pretty insulting low ball offer so I wanted to make sure people were educated on exactly what they are getting themselves into. Hope this post was helpful and feel free to correct me if I’m wrong somewhere I have been scene-absent for close to 6 months so I admit I’m out of the loop when it comes to a lot of things lately :S


Dont doubt its value, but i offer you a glimpse at my thread for maybe a trade :slight_smile:

Hmm look interesting, I’ll check it out and let you know.

I’m willing to wiggle on the price quite a bit, just so I can close a deal by Sunday. PM me today or tomorrow if anyone is interested.

Do you have a picture?

I will take a proper picture when I get home tonight.

For now this is the controller: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=grey+saturn+controller+usb&hl=en&sa=X&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4ADRA_enUS371US371&biw=1536&bih=639&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=97zlsXyWldH6SM:&imgrefurl=http://forums.xbox-scene.com/lofiversion/index.php/t510168.html&docid=IH1piKr2PnHccM&imgurl=http://pictures.xbox-scene.com/hsdemonz/tut/saturnsmall.jpg&w=1040&h=772&ei=KkobT6HAOqLh0QHHtKW2Cw&zoom=1

Appologies for the poor quality, my dig cam sucks.


There are no scuffs or marks on the pad itself at all. This image is poor and some of the reflections look like marks, but I promise you there are no marks on the pad. This thing was well taken care of and barely used.

You never answered me back or replied to my PM. :frowning:

check pm

Price update

update again

updated price

Where are you located? I may be interested in this.

Pittsburgh, PA. But I can ship international.

what is the model # on the back of the controller?

Also, I am curious, with this model, are they made in japan or china?

ISS 5001
Made in China