FS: PS1, PS2, PS3, DC, and DS Games

mods please close

thanks for the business srk!

sent you a pm for marvel vs. capcom 2 ps2 if nobody scooped it up yet.

I’ll take Disgaea.

Thanks for the respones I will update when I’m back home

these prices are shipped?
im interested in ex+a and cfj

if you read it says he covers shipping, so prices shown is what they are.

^ i dont read bay bay

@legendary goku and erikstanton, pms sent!

is Maximo the first one or the second?

If you can hold the PS2 and Street Fighter Anniversary Edition until Thursday I’ll take them.

Its the first maximo

didn’t i sell you disgaea once upon a time?

bumped for updated list of items

can you hold Skate for ps3? ill pay by either wednesday or thursday.

pm + payment sent!

yeah i got you

Sent you a PM on MegaMan.

I like your avatar.:arazz:

I’ll take Street Fighter Ex2+, PM sent