Looking to thin out a little bit of my current collection. And give some of my less played boards a nice new home! Here is what i have:
Naomi Set Up:
- Naomi 1 Board - Looking for 500 + Shipping
[]Naomi 1 Board
[]Capcom I/O
[]All cables
[]Marvel Vs Capcom 2 Cart
- Street Fighter 3: 2nd Impact CPS3 - Looking for 250 + Shipping
[]CPS3 Board
[]Security Cart - Tested working as of 5/25/07
[]CD rom
[]SF3:2nd Impact CD
[]All cables
[]Note: This is the JAPAN version of the game
- CPS2 Games
[]Dungenons and Dragson (USA B-Board) - 100 + Shipping
[]Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (USA B-Board) - 100 + Shipping
Street Fighter Alpha - (USA B-Board) - 80 + Shipping
- Neo-Geo MVS
[]Samura Showdown 1 - Original Cart - 30 + shipping
[]Samura Showdown 2 - Original Cart - 30 + Shipping
[]Samurai Showdown 4 - Original Cart and MM - 40 + shipping
[]Metal Slug X - Original cart and REPRO MM - 40 + shipping
NEO GEO MV-1F board - 70 + shipping (i might be off on the actual board, so many neo 1 slot boards, please correct me if i’m wrong)
- Namco Tekken TAG - 90 + shipping
That about wraps it up, sorry for all the pics, i just like taking a lot of pics of stuff i’m selling just in case =P More pics can be taken, just ask and let me know what pics you want and i’ll snap them for you.
Offer away!