Fs: Marvel Vs Capcom & street fighter 2 hyper fighting arcade cabs in nj

I have 2 cabs for sale in central nj. Anyone interested can contact me through pm. Links to the eBay auctions with pics and info can be found here…

Street Fighter 2 Champion edition hyper fighting Arcade - eBay (item 130464933594 end time Dec-21-10 16:01:48 PST)

Marvel Vs Capcom arcade machine, Street Fighter 2 MvC - eBay (item 130463222113 end time Dec-16-10 21:36:35 PST)

i can also swap either cab out with alpha 1, or super street fighter. i also have alpha 2 and 3, and SFIII 3rd strike, but i would have to hear an offer to include those.

too bad you’re on the other side of the US. gl with your sale!

i am willing to ship for an additional $50 up to an hour or so from central NJ.
