From Russia with love - The Black Widow thread

Poor Scarle… Errr, I mean Romanoff didn’t had a thread yet.
Will she have an Russian accent?
Will Capcom be lazy and re-use half of MvC3’s Jill moveset?

We’ll find out soon enough, discuss away!

Well it would be a Jill function in a new game so I wouldn’t mind.

(I played Jill…)

she is going to be a very flashy technical character that revolves around stuns and command grabs. here’s hoping she calls the helicarrier or a satellite to shoot down a beam or something

I’d be down for this. As much as I suck, haven’t found my character that I really want to put the time in. It would be cool if she can attach a grapple hook to a part of the screen that let’s her move up or down. She could shoot guns while sliding up and down like a spy action movie.

Does anybody know the notations for the BW half of this combo? Seems incredibly strong.

1 reset kill combo -

Not much action here but she seems strong.

Here is a vid I found from CorkyJay. Gives props where needed.

Early Black Widow BNB’s and Resets.

Heh. Why am I not surprised that CorkyJay picked up Widow.

what you guys think…

main bnb is as easy as I can make it without it being one of those 9000 input combos I have been seeing for Widow. Does 6.5k

5k meterless corner to corner, nothing too hard in it either.
Ends with a ground slam so you can combo into any ender, super for 6.2k with 1 bar or do any setup off of f.HK

Evil Canadian, great vid. That and especially your tips video have been a huge help in starting the journey.

Does anyone know what stone would work best with her and why? Or her best partner options? Think I’m gonna build a team around her.

Pretty obvious to use space with her. She can fill the screen with shit that’s great for pulling people into like the nerve gas. She has a lot of tools so probably works decently with whoever you pair her with.

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Been running her with power stone. Her special jumps and zipline lend well to surprise power stone hits.

Also easy damage.

After my launcher, I land the hp and hk but they bounce too high to hit with the light Baton. How can I alleviate that? Practicing in the corner. Also, if it’s mid screen do I need to dash after doing Hp hk, into qcb hp? It looks like you dash into doing hp hk then launcher. But I’ve only been practicing in the corner so I haven’t encountered that situation yet.

Just got the game on PC so looking for pointers. Thank you!